Before you report any issues with Anarchy, make sure you do the following:
Have you updated Anarchy before using it?
If so, great, move on to the next step.
Otherwise make sure to always update Anarchy before installing Arch with it, because your bug might have already been fixed, without you even knowing.
You can update Anarchy in the main menu (shown after booting the iso),
by pressing 2 or executing anarchy -u
If you have not updated Anarchy prior to submitting the issue, we will send you to this page and expect you to redo your installation before reporting the bug again.
No matter what problem you've stumbled upon, you're almost certainly not the first person to have gotten the error. Check online for any existing issues, either by copy-pasting the error message into your favourite search engine, prepending "arch" to the search or even adding your specific hardware to the search (useful for laptops and any driver issues - wireless, bluetooth, ...).
You next stops should be the Arch Wiki and Arch Forums.
We can't and won't help you if you don't try and submit as much information as you can. This includes logs, screenshots (or pictures of the terminal/error message), videos etc.
You can share a log of your installation by choosing "Return To Command Prompt" (option 4) in the final menu or when an error occurs and you are dropped into a terminal.
You may also locally view the installation log by choosing "View Install Log" (option 5).
Executing cat /tmp/anarchy.log | nc 9999
will return a short url,
which you should write down and share along with any other info you may have.
If you don't take the time to do all of the above, then it's not worth our time to fix the bug, thanks for understanding.