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Running the Rover

Alp edited this page Oct 24, 2024 · 1 revision

Running Navigation Software on Companion Computer

SSH into Raspberry Pi

To run scripts on raspberry pi interactively, you need to ssh into the pi.
E.g. run ssh [email protected] or ssh gdp@<IP address> from any device connected to the same network as the pi.

The current credentials are:

Username: gdp
Password: gdp

The OS used on the raspberry pi 5 is BookWorm hence some settings/command might be different from the previous OS. For instance, connecting to internet on Pi 5 uses nmcli instead of ifconfig.

The raspberry pi is registered to connect to SOTON-IOT. This allow us to ssh into the pi from any lab PC.

Running the Navigation Software

See README in the repository for instructions on how to run the navigation software.

Running RTK NTRIP script for GPS

This script connects with the NTRIP server and sends the data to the GPS module through USB connection. Run the script as follows:

python ./GPS/

Display low level values

The readings can be viewed at a GCS (Ground Control Station). In MAVProxy, use the following command to plot the readings:

graph NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT[<param_name>]



will generate a graph with front left and front right encoder position.

In Mission Planner, the graph can be enabled by checking the Tuning checkbox in the main screen. The data coming from MAVLink will be labelled as MAV_<param_name>, e.g. the front left current value will be MAV_E.