High level api to interact with maven from within the jvm
Use it by adding the dependency to your maven pom:
<!-- or if you prefer the maven 3.3.9 version:
For SNAPSHOT builds you need to have snapshots enabled for the sonatype snapshots repo. Production releases are available in maven central so no repository configuration is needed.
import org.apache.maven.shared.invoker.InvocationResult;
import se.alipsa.maven.MavenUtils;
File pomFile = new File("pom.xml");
InvocationResult result = MavenUtils.runMaven(pomFile, new String[]{"clean", "install"}, null, null);
The arguments to runMaven(final File pomFile, String[] mvnArgs, @Nullable InvocationOutputHandler consoleOutputHandler, @Nullable InvocationOutputHandler warningOutputHandler)
are as follows:
- pomFile the pom.xml file to parse
- mvnArgs the arguments (targets) to send to maven (e.g. clean install)
- consoleOutputHandler where normal maven output will be sent, defaults to System.out if null
- warningOutputHandler where maven warning outputs will be sent, defaults to System.err if null
- InvocationResult the result of running the targets
- MavenInvocationException if there is a problem with parsing or running maven
Note that maven need to be installed locally for the maven invoker which is used to run maven to work. MavenUtils will first look for the MAVEN_HOME system property, then for the MAVEN_HOME environment variable and if still not found will try to locate the mvn command in the PATH.
The static method locateMavenHome is used to find maven home.
import se.alipsa.maven.MavenUtils;
String mavenHome = MavenUtils.locateMavenHome();
Get the local repository
import se.alipsa.maven.MavenUtils;
import org.eclipse.aether.repository.LocalRepository;
LocalRepository localRepository = MavenUtils.getLocalRepository();
For the methods below, an instance of MavenUtils must be created. This allows you to pass in a list of RemoteRepositories used for the resolution. If you use the default constructor (as in the examples below) you get the Maven Central and BeDatadriven repositories.
import java.io.File;
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import se.alipsa.maven.MavenUtils;
File pomFile = new File("pom.xml");
MavenUtils mavenUtils = new MavenUtils();
Model model = mavenUtils.parsePom(pomFile);
import java.io.File;
import se.alipsa.maven.MavenUtils;
File pomFile = new File("pom.xml");
MavenUtils mavenUtils = new MavenUtils();
ClassLoader loader = mavenUtils.getMavenDependenciesClassloader(pomFile, this.getClass().getClassLoader())
The method is defined as getMavenDependenciesClassloader(File pomFile, @Nullable ClassLoader possibleParent)
import java.util.Set;
import java.io.File;
import se.alipsa.maven.MavenUtils;
File pomFile = new File("pom.xml");
MavenUtils mavenUtils = new MavenUtils();
Set<File> dependencies = mavenUtils.resolveDependencies(pomFile);
import se.alipsa.maven.MavenUtils;
import java.io.File;
MavenUtils mavenUtils = new MavenUtils();
File file = mavenUtils.resolveArtifact("org.slf4j", "slf4j-api", null, "jar", "1.7.32");
The method is defined as resolveArtifact(String groupId, String artifactId, String classifier, String extension, String version)
- groupId is the same as the tag in the pom.xml
- artifactId is the same as the tag in the pom.xml
- classifier is typically null, javadoc, sources, dist etc
- extension could be pom, jar, zip etc.
- version is the same as the tag in the pom.xml
For a more elaborate explanation see the maven documentation
Maven-utils uses slf4j for logging so a slf4j implementation needs to be present for logging to work.
The code in this repository is licenced under the MIT license. However, maven-utils depends on a number of other libraries to be able to do its thing. Below is a list of them with their respective license.
Used for logging. Licence: MIT
Used to run maven. Licence: Apache 2.0
Used to run maven and to parse the pom file. Licence: Apache 2.0
Used to run maven and to parse the pom file. Licence: Apache 2.0
Used to resolve dependencies. License: EPL 1.0
Used to resolve dependencies. License: EPL 1.0
Used to resolve dependencies. License: EPL 1.0
User for unit testing. Licence: EPL 2.0
User for unit testing. Licence: MIT
- add dependency on later version of httpclient since the one that comes with aether-transport-http has security issues.
- improve download artifact test
- add dependency on later version commons-io since the one that comes with maven-shared-utils has security issues
- Add support for system properties in (-Dkey=value) the maven arguments
- upgrade slf4j dependency version
- make locateMavenHome public.
- Initial implementation, heavily based on similar functionality in the Ride project.