Release Notes - Apps Development Framework - Version 1.8.0
- [ADF-1281] - Test naming convention in the contribution guide
- [ADF-520] - remove the debug button from Analytics Component
- [ADF-714] - Unify pagination across all components
- [ADF-852] - [Form] Update Form widget to Material library
- [ADF-1116] - Task list without any status filter
- [ADF-1139] - People Search - Provide a way to reset the search field when a user is selected
- [ADF-1188] - Upload drag drop component - Add a property to disable the component
- [ADF-1306] - Process Task Audit Directive
- [ADF-1309] - Pagination of task list
- [ADF-129] - Erratic Data Picker - GitHub 1223
- [ADF-224] - Custom stencil components not getting rendered on a completed task/start form - 1597 Github
- [ADF-662] - Cannot preview document on completed start event
- [ADF-1048] - [Form] Multiple files attached to a task within a form are not displayed
- [ADF-1052] - [Process Services] - Left and right menu arrows are not active.
- [ADF-1095] - Date Range picker remains on screen.
- [ADF-1096] - Process details are not fully displayed on Process Definition Heat Map.
- [ADF-1143] - [TaskList] - Not able to start a task when changing the assignee from the 'Start Task' form.
- [ADF-1197] - Cannot upload more than one files on a form.
- [ADF-1208] - [Safari] Favorites Api service returns invalid dates for "createdAt" and "modifiedAt" fields.
- [ADF-1219] - Folder contents are not displayed when double clicking an empty folder in Search Page component
- [ADF-1252] - When closing the Process Diagram the Tasks page is displayed
- [ADF-1259] - Process Filter - Wrong process filter is selected when a new process is created
- [ADF-1262] - Breadcrumb does not shrink when part of the Toolbar header
- [ADF-1265] - Task Header - Datapicker is not showed in the middle
- [ADF-1267] - [Datatable] csra 508 add tabbing datatable - 2157 Github
- [ADF-1286] - getProfilePicture in userApi on alfresco-js-api doesn't return nothing.
- [ADF-1307] - Header Bar colour should always be orange.
- [ADF-1313] - isLoggedIn method of EcmAuth client is returning "true" when ticket expires - 2178 Github
- [ADF-1316] - Can not assign a task to a user without an actual email address
- [ADF-1327] - Attach File widget is not displayed.
- [ADF-1328] - Multi-line text widget is not displaying a value after completing a form.
- [ADF-1329] - "Multi-line text" widget is not rendered properly.
- [ADF-1346] - Attachment list component is shown for completed tasks/processes
- [ADF-1348] - Upload Dialog - 'Cancel All' button does not render
- [ADF-1360] - An error appears in console when clicking on Content Services in Demo Shell
- [ADF-1368] - A file deleted from Document List is still displayed as uploaded in Uploader
- [ADF-1370] - PDF viewer not using web worker
- [ADF-1384] - ADF Form - The placeholder is overlapping the label
- [ADF-1386] - if pagination attribute is undefined shows inconsistent range
- [ADF-1394] - Favorites Api not passing the "include" settings to server
- [ADF-1395] - The title of the reports is not aligned.
- [ADF-1407] - Editing a Report title should be aligned.
- [ADF-1419] - Document List does not show node icon for certain nodes
- [ADF-1420] - [Copy/Move] A folder selected in 'Destination chooser' dialog does not get deselected when selecting it's parent folder
- [ADF-1425] - [Copy/Move]The list of folders is not changed when selecting a site in the 'Destination chooser' dialog
- [ADF-1426] - [Copy/Move]The list of folders is not changed when deleting the 'Search' field input in the 'Destination chooser' dialog
- [ADF-1428] - User is not able to copy/move a file/folder to the root folder.
- [ADF-1432] - Can not create a task
- [ADF-1442] - No able to navigate to a task from within a process.
- [ADF-1454] - [Login Demo] - Switches on Login Page have wrong behaviour.
- [ADF-1456] - timeAgo Pipe - Return invalid date when the input is empty
- [ADF-1458] - 'Enable upload' button is not working.
- [ADF-1459] - Filter selection is not displayed.
- [ADF-1466] - Ng2-activiti-tasklist module uses NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA schema, which hides underlying error
- [ADF-1476] - Row borders (top and bottom) overlap each other for DataTable
- [ADF-1478] - Pagination is not properly displayed when resizing the browser window.
- [ADF-1479] - Pagination is not working properly on Document List.
- [ADF-1480] - Padding is missing from Task List.
- [ADF-1484] - Switching to custom data source won't change default column layout in DL
- [ADF-1485] - 'Sorting' options are not visible on the Document List.
- [ADF-1486] - Pagination arrows are not visible on search results.
- [ADF-1487] - Checklist placeholder remains on screen.
- [ADF-1489] - Cannot rate a file
- [ADF-1490] - 'Sorting' options are not visible on the 'About'.
- [ADF-1491] - 'Sorting' options are not visible on 'Form List'.
- [ADF-1494] - Padding and highlighting missing on process list
- [ADF-1495] - Task List is not loading.
- [ADF-1497] - Image not displayed when folder is empty
- [ADF-1498] - Pagination on Task List is not aligned when having two tasks or more.
- [ADF-1499] - Advanced "Date Widget" properties do not apply on Demo Shell.
- [ADF-1500] - Dynamic table does not display column names.
- [ADF-1501] - Date widget value is not updated when is cleared.
- [ADF-1502] - AoT problems when using ADF with Angular CLI
- [ADF-1509] - 'Form Name' displays 'No form' after editing 'Due Date' or 'Description'.
- [ADF-1510] - Report button tooltips are missing translation.
- [ADF-1512] - Form is expanding when required label is displayed.
- [ADF-1513] - Form List doesn't display form Tabs.
New Feature
- [ADF-365] - Add support for 'empty form' template - 1736 Github
- [ADF-459] - [Document List]Ability to copy and move documents and folders
- [ADF-832] - Migrate to @angular/material date picker component
- [ADF-1021] - Provide ability defining tooltips for DataTable/DocumentList cells
- [ADF-1041] - Copy and Move Component
- [ADF-1051] - DT/DL components should apply i18n pipes for the title content out of the box
- [ADF-1083] - The profile picture is not displayed at 'Comments' and 'Invited people' in a task
- [ADF-1213] - Provide ability to rename root element name in Breadcrumb
- [ADF-1220] - Provide support for additional data sources in Document List
- [ADF-1227] - Directive to disable element or component based on node permission
- [ADF-1234] - DataTable and DocumentList should not unselect on double-click
- [ADF-1261] - Task Audit Log Directive
- [ADF-1287] - Fix issues related to noUnusedLocals rule in TypeScript
- [ADF-1300] - Download as a ZIP functionality demo (5.2.1 repo)
- [ADF-1318] - Create 'time ago' date converter
- [ADF-1356] - Single configuration of i18n service per project
- [ADF-1372] - Provide support for custom tooltips for Upload Button component
- [ADF-1404] - Data Column enhancements for Document List
- [ADF-1421] - Provide default column layout for Document List
- [ADF-1427] - Show custom root in the breadcrumb even if node is not loaded
- [ADF-1434] - Theming ADF component
- [ADF-1435] - Info Drawer
- [ADF-157] - upload dialog Wrong number on File Upload Count - 1511 Github
- [ADF-569] - Provide support to Undo uploaded files in the Upload component
- [ADF-720] - Review all the template use
- [ADF-994] - [Pagination] Integrate SFS enhancements for Pagination component
- [ADF-1180] - Add test cases to cover process list component
- [ADF-1236] - Remove mdl from ng2-alfresco-login
- [ADF-1237] - Remove mdl from ng2-alfresco-userinfo
- [ADF-1239] - Remove mdl from ng2-alfresco-social
- [ADF-1240] - Remove mdl from ng2-alfresco-tag
- [ADF-1241] - Remove mdl from ng2-alfresco-upload
- [ADF-1242] - Remove mdl from ng2-alfresco-viewer
- [ADF-1243] - Remove mdl from ng2-alfresco-documentlist
- [ADF-1244] - Remove mdl from ng2-alfresco-datatable
- [ADF-1270] - Upgrade ACS to 5.2.1
- [ADF-1340] - File Viewer dialog preparation
- [ADF-1374] - Move Download Zip dialog to the ADF
- [ADF-1378] - Remove old MDL toolbar from the Document List
- [ADF-1381] - Implement form control UX
- [ADF-1388] - Add a toggle button for the allowDropFiles property to Demo Shell
- [ADF-1403] - Upload Dialog - Trigger event for deleted files
- [ADF-1453] - Restructure README.md files
- [ADF-1457] - Upload Dialog - Cancel all confirmation dialog
- [ADF-1468] - Upload Dialog - Remove color import