Fully SSL Options Support (#27)
Merge PR #25
Hibernate emqttc and emqttc_socket to reduce memory usage
Bugfix: emqttc send willmsg (#23)
Feature: Support to specify 'local ipaddress' (#20)
Improve: add emqttc:start_link(MqttOpts, TcpOpts) api
Support synchronous subscribe/publish APIs
Feature: emqttc - add sync_publish/4, sync_subscribe/2, sync_subscribe/3 apis
Feature: mqttc_opt() - add 'puback_timeout', 'suback_timeout' options
Bugfix: default keepalive bug
Bugfix: fix critical issue #11
Support 'wait_for_connack' timeout and Auto Resubscribe Topics.
Feature: issue #10 - Should send message to client on (re-)connect or handle re-subscribes also
Feature: send '{mqttc, Pid, connected}' message to parent process when emqttc is connected successfully
Feature: send '{mqttc, Pid, disconnected}' message to parent process when emqttc is disconnected from broker and prepare to reconnect.
Improve: issue #12 - support 'CONNACK' timeout
Improve: issue #13 - Improve subscribe/publish api with atoms: qos0/1/2
format comments
emqttc_message.erl: fix spec
add examples/benchmark
emqttc_socket.erl: handle tcp_error.
emqttc.erl: change log level from 'info' to 'debug' for SEND/RECV packets.
Upgrade gen_logger to 0.3-beta
Improve: handle {'DOWN', MonRef, process, Pid, _Why} from subscriber
Improve: handle 'SUBACK', 'UNSUBACK'
Feature: SSL Socket Support
Notice: The API is not compatible with 0.1!
Feature: Both MQTT V3.1/V3.1.1 Protocol Support
Feature: QoS0, QoS1, QoS2 Publish and Subscribe
Feature: KeepAlive and Reconnect support
Feature: gen_logger support
Change: Redesign the whole project
Change: Rewrite the README.md
Tag the version written by @hiroeorz