- Fix error when null response was ignored
- Use native UUID
- Update dependencies
- Update class-validator
- Overriding intercepters
- Updated to Nest 10
- Throw error on wrong credentials (thx @ponomarevkonst)
- Updated to nestjs 9
- Nack message if no ROUTE
- Double ACK fix, when a provider is exported multiple times (thx @falahati)
- Added autoBindingRoutes option
- Update dependencies
- Added nack for ERROR_NO_ROUTE
- Updated dependencies
- Migrated tslint to eslint
- Added @RMQTransform() decorator to transform incomming message
- Changed @Validate() decorator to @RMQValidate(). @Validate() will be depricated.
- Updated RQMColorLogger performance and changed debug message content.
- Added support for random queue name and additional queueOprions.
- Added deprecation warning.
- Removed deprecated @RMQController
- Added TLS/SSL support
- Fixed import
- Added RMQModule.forTest() to test your routes in unit or e2e test
- New RMQTestService lets you mock RMQ replies and errors
- Added pattern mathing for routes with
- Added unit tests
- Updated e2e test
- Compatible with other amqp libraries (thx @Kevalin)
- Migration to NestJS 8
- Added port and vhost options (thx @Kevalin)
- Update dependencies
- Update dependencies
- Fixed ack on validation error
- Added warning message on RMQRoute without queue
- Fixed validation stom request
- Added RMQRoute mapping log on start
- Added topic name in timeout error
- Fix race condition on send() after start
- Fix validate decoration order
- Moved to NestJS DI system
- Removed @RMQController (deprecation warning)
- Initialization refactor.
- Added msgFactory to @RMQRoute
- Changed msgFactory interface.
- MsgFactory e2e test
- Added warning message if service name is not specified (thx @milovidov983)
- Client and subscription channels splitted for performance (thx @milovidov983)
- Added nack method (thx @mikelavigne)
- Added more publish options (thx @mikelavigne)
- Added exchange options (thx @mikelavigne)
- Added Extended message and debug method
- Added types to package
- Added timestamp to message
- Added appId and timestamp to notify
- Added manual message acknowledgement
- Added
decorator to get message metadata - Updated dependencies
- Added healthCheck method
- Added forRootAsync method
- Added heartbeat option.
- Custom message factory inside controller decorator (thx to mjarmoc)
- Messages publishing options exposed (thx to mjarmoc)
- Fixed event emmitor leak (thx to mjarmoc)
- Fixed reconnection bug
- Async init all modules loaded (thx to mjarmoc)
- Custom logger injection (thx to @minenkom)
- Fixed double logging
- Fixed ack race condition
- Added tests
- Added error handler (thx to @mjarmoc)
- Added more debug info to error message (thx to @mjarmoc)
- Refactoring
- Fixed error message ack with notify command
- Fixed ack none RPC messages
- Fixed logs
- Fixed connection with messages already in queue
- Added error if RPC method returns undefined
- Fix await consuming replyQueue
- Added message ack
- Added -x-status-code and RMQError class
- Fixed no RMQRoute issue, added error message
- Added validation decorator.
- Added global intercepters to deal with responses and errors
- Added @RMQPipe to transform messages
- Added global middleware option
- Changed for new pattern
- Added additional check for callback() function
- Moved events to constants
- Added reconnection in client and server, if your RabbitMQ instanse is down.
- Support for multiple urls for cluster usage.
- First stable version of the package