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1.2 Release (GUI and CLI)

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@AlEscher AlEscher released this 10 Mar 18:04
· 19 commits to master since this release


  • GUI & CLI
    • Added new Hashing algorithm: SHA1
  • GUI
    • Added option to compare computed hashes to clipboard
    • Added option to lookup Hashes on virustotal (virustotal supports MD5, SHA1, SHA256)
    • Added option to export Output as JSON string
    • Added new ExportDialog to make the process of exporting easier and clearer to the user
    • Fixed FileProgress bar for large files
    • Added drag and drop functionality for adding files

Last update:
08.05.2021 11:21 UTC


Can be executed normally. If done so, it will enter into an interactive mode where it currently accepts the following commands:

  • -path : Allows you to enter the path of the file you want to hash
  • file : Hash the currently selected file. Will output the Hash, followed by the duration and the file size
  • exit : Terminate the program

The executable can also be called with command line arguments, referred to as "headless mode".
In this case, the program will only output the specified hash, which can be used to pipe into another application.
If -v is specified, the program will output error messages if anything fails, if no -v is set it will output nothing.
An example usage would be: FileHasher.exe SHA256 Path\To\file


The UI is intended for larger jobs, or overall for an easier file selection.
You can select all the files you want to hash, as soon as one is done the hash will be shown in the output box.
The first progress bar shows the progress of the current file, while the bottom one shows the overall progress of the current job.
Right clicking on an entry in the Output box opens up a small menu where you can copy the selected Hash to your clipboard, compare it to a hash that is already in your clipboard or lookup the hash on virustotal.
In the dropdown menu above the output box, you can choose "Export as JSON", this will export all the information as a JSON string with the following format:

    "FileHasherUI.exe": {
        "filePath": "C:/Dev/Cpp/FileHasher/GUI/build-FileHasherUI-Qt_15_5_0_Static-Release/release/FileHasherUI.exe",
        "fileSizeB": 12243456,
        "hashes": {
            "MD5": "f4d21ce15dfc8141e6ecf5565243ca1b",
            "SHA1": "1b67745342ebee6ea6d9ce662b62e0bbe7f5a377",
            "SHA256": "fe0c7397dfeef53a6f701026b2b94018c67249850c35d2f54b9d432562160b50",
            "SHA512": "2ad97a3a77136379e3644ade4586553bb79f1e902f155b205e844667b57d0df175a780b198cec7be9b8e5111612a71d3a39a4f1665dfe0a3724120f1de1b3ad6"

You can also choose "Export as C-Array" which will export only the hashes, formatted like a C-Array.
In the Dialog that will open you can review the exported data and copy it to your clipboard or save it to a file.