{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %}
Sets the user profile attributes key and value and allows you to create or update a user profile attribute.
Remember the following information:
- If the attribute does not exist, it will be created.
- If the attribute exists, the value will be updated.
- A null attribute value removes the attribute.
public static void updateUserAttribute(String attributeName,
Object attributeValue)
You want to update username
of a user obtained in the log in page :
UserProfile.updateUserAttribute("username", "Will Smith");
Sets the user profile attributes key and value.
Allows you to create/update a batch of user profile attributes:
- String, Integer, Boolean, Double, Array, Map are valid type of user profile attributes.
- Custom objects cannot be saved as a
attribute. - If the attribute does not exist, it is created.
- If the attribute already exists, the value is updated.
- A null attribute value will remove the attribute.
public static void updateUserAttributes(Map<String, Object> attributeMap)
You want to update username, usertype
of a user obtained in the log in page :
HashMap<String, Object> profileMap = new HashMap<>();
profileMap.put("username","Will Smith");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS" %}
Sets the user profile attributes key and value and allows you to create or update a user profile attribute.
Remember the following information:
- If the attribute does not exist, it will be created.
- If the attribute already exists, then the value will be updated.
- A null attribute value will remove the attribute.
+ (void) updateUserAttribute: (nonnull NSString*) attributeName withValue: (nullable NSString*) attributeValue;
You want to update username
of a user obtained in the log in page:
[ACPUserProfile updateUserAttribute:@"username" withValue:@"Will Smith"];
ACPUserProfile.updateUserAttribute("username", withValue: "Will Smith");
Sets the user profile attributes key and value.
Allows to create/update a batch of user profile attributes:
- String, Integer, Boolean, Double, Array, Map are valid type of user profile attributes.
- We do not allow custom objects to be saved as a
attribute. - If the attribute already exists, then the value will be updated.
- If the attribute does not exist, it will be created.
A null attribute value will remove the attribute.
+ (void) updateUserAttributes: (nonnull NSDictionary*) attributeMap
You want to update username, usertype
of a user obtained in the log in page :
Objective C
NSMutableDictionary *profileMap = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[profileMap setObject:@"username" forKey:@"will_smith"];
[profileMap setObject:@"usertype" forKey:@"Actor"];
[ACPUserProfile updateUserAttributes:profileMap];
var profileMap = [AnyHashable: Any]()
profileMap["username"] = "will_smith"
profileMap["usertype"] = "Actor"
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %}
Removes the user profile attribute for the given key.
public static void removeUserAttribute(String attributeName)
A retail application wants to remove the itemsAddedToCart
user data after the product is purchased.
Removes the user profile attributes for the given keys.
public static void removeUserAttributes(List<String> attributeNames)
You want to remove username
, usertype
user data when session timeout occurs.
UserProfile.removeUserAttributes(Arrays.asList("username", "usertype"));
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS" %}
Removes the user profile attribute for the given key.
+ (void) removeUserAttribute: (nonnull NSString*) key
A retail application wants to remove the itemsAddedToCart
user data after the product is purchased.
Objective C
[ACPUserProfile removeUserAttribute:@"itemsAddedToCart"];
Removes the user profile attributes for the given keys.
+ (void) removeUserAttributes: (nonnull NSArray <NSString*>*) attributeNames
You want to remove username
, usertype
user data when session timeout occurs.
Objective C
[ACPUserProfile removeUserAttributes:@[@"username", @"usertype"]]
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %}
Gets the user profile attributes with the given keys.
public static void getUserAttributes(List<String> keys, AdobeCallback<Map<String, Object>> callback)
- callback is invoked after the customer attributes are available.
A retail application wants to get the itemsAddedToCart
user data when processing checkout.
When AdobeCallbackWithError
is provided, if the operation times out (5s) or an unexpected error occurs, the fail
method is called with the appropriate AdobeError
UserProfile.getUserAttributes(Arrays.asList("itemsAddedToCart"), new AdobeCallbackWithError<Map<String, Object>>() {
public void fail(AdobeError adobeError) {
// your customized code
public void call(Map<String, Object> stringObjectMap) {
// your customized code
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS" %}
Gets the user profile attributes with the given keys.
+ (void) getUserAttributes: (nullable NSArray <NSString*>*) attributNames withCompletionHandler: (nonnull void (^) (NSDictionary* __nullable userAttributes, NSError* _Nullable error)) completionHandler
- completionHandler is invoked after the customer attributes are available, or error if an unexpected error occurs or the request times out. The default timeout is 5s.
A retail application wants to get the itemsAddedToCart
user data when processing checkout.
Objective C
[ACPUserProfile getUserAttributes:attributes withCompletionHandler:^(NSDictionary* dict, NSError* error){
// your customized code
ACPUserProfile.getUserAttributes(["itemsAddedToCart"], withCompletionHandler: {(dict: [AnyHashable: Any]?, error: Error?) -> Void in
// your customized code
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}