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TacIPC: Intersection- and Inversion-Free FEM-Based Elastomer Simulation for Optical Tactile Sensors

Paper PDF


  • CMake >= 3.20
  • gcc/g++ >= 10
  • SuiteSparse = 7.3.1
  • xrandr
  • xinerama
  • xcursor
  • xi
  • OpenGL
  • zlib
# install with apt
sudo apt install libsuitesparse-dev
sudo apt install libxrandr-dev
sudo apt install libxinerama-dev 
sudo apt install libxcursor-dev
sudo apt install libxi-dev
sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev
sudo apt install zlib1g-dev

Configure && Build

Build the project, and the executable will be generated in the build directory.

cmake -Bbuild build # configure
cmake --build build --parallel [N_threads] # build

Run example experiments

Run with Python script (headless by default)

  1. Run the experiment

    1. Run experiment script
      python scripts/
    2. Check out the experiment result directory output/experiments/[timestamp], and the log files in output/logs/[expName].log.
      • output/experiments/[timestamp]/config.json contains the experiment configuration.
      • output/experiments/[timestamp]/objs/ contains
        • the deformed object meshes ([objName]_[frameId].obj)
        • the object state files ([objName]_[frameId].json)
  2. Postprocess and obtain marker displacements

    1. Create output/experiments_markers directory if not exists.
    2. Move/Copy the result directories into output/experiments_markers.
    3. Run the postprocess script
      python process/
    4. Check out the marker displacement files in output/experiments_markers/[expName]/markers/.
  3. (optional) Visualize the marker displacements

    1. Run the visualization script
      python process/
    2. Check out the visualization in output/experiments_markers/[expName]/marker.mp4.

Run directly in command line

  1. Run the experiment
    stdbuf -o0 ./build/main \
        press_example \
        true \
        true \
        1e-20 \
        10 \
        true \
        resources/gel/gelslim-gel-l_0.1/gelslim-gel-l_0.1.msh \
        resources/press_obj/Wave_8134.obj \
        resources/gel/gelslim-gel-l_0.1/isBC_gelslim-gel-l_0.1.json \
        0 \
        press \
        6 \
        1 \
        25 \
        0 \
        25 \
        0.01 \
        > output/logs/press_example.log
  2. Postprocess and obtain marker displacements (same as above)

Run custom experiments

  • Run experiment with custom configurations

    Modify scripts/ and, or just run command following

    stdbuf -o0 ./build/main \
        [expName] \
        [enableGui] \
        [enableCGSolver] \
        [cgRel] \
        [PNCap] \
        [enableInversionPrevention] \
        [gelPth] \
        [objPth] \
        [isBCPth] \
        [fricMu] \
        [moveType] \
        [pressSteps] \
        [pressDepth] \
        [pressVel] \
        [taskSteps] \
        [moveVel] \
        [dt] \
        > [logPth]
  • Postprocess custom tactile sensor gel

    1. Prepare your tactile sensor gel mesh and boundary condition file.
      • The gel mesh should be tetrahedral and in .msh format. The length should be in milimeters.
      • The boundary condition file should be in .json format. It is a list of binary numbers, where 1 indicates the corresponding node is fixed, and 0 indicates the node is free to move.
    2. Take gel_0.obj after experiment as surface mesh(recommended), or extract it mannually.
    3. Generate the triangular barycentric weights on the surface mesh for markers, and save as marker_bc_ws.pkl in the same directory as your .msh gel mesh. You may refer to process/
    4. Postprocess as usual.
  • Custom tasks

    Refer to to implement your own tasks.

    • Program entrance
      • Modify arguments in main()
    • Task implementation (in prepare())
      • Modify configuration to be dumped in config
      • Modify solver settings
      • Modify move lambda to implement your own task (usually changing the target state a bit each step)

Cite this work

If you use TacIPC in your work, please cite us.

  title={TacIPC: Intersection-and Inversion-free FEM-based Elastomer Simulation For Optical Tactile Sensors},
  author={Du, Wenxin and Xu, Wenqiang and Ren, Jieji and Yu, Zhenjun and Lu, Cewu},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},