diff --git a/multichain-testing/test/fast-usdc/fast-usdc.test.ts b/multichain-testing/test/fast-usdc/fast-usdc.test.ts
index 5121bfd6a43..27e42b2e56a 100644
--- a/multichain-testing/test/fast-usdc/fast-usdc.test.ts
+++ b/multichain-testing/test/fast-usdc/fast-usdc.test.ts
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
+import anyTest from '@endo/ses-ava/prepare-endo.js';
 import { encodeAddressHook } from '@agoric/cosmic-proto/address-hooks.js';
 import { AmountMath } from '@agoric/ertp';
 import type { Denom } from '@agoric/orchestration';
+import type { CurrentWalletRecord } from '@agoric/smart-wallet/src/smartWallet.js';
 import type { IBCChannelID } from '@agoric/vats';
 import { divideBy, multiplyBy } from '@agoric/zoe/src/contractSupport/ratio.js';
-import anyTest from '@endo/ses-ava/prepare-endo.js';
-import type { TestFn } from 'ava';
+import { Random } from '@cosmjs/crypto';
+import type { ExecutionContext, TestFn } from 'ava';
 import { makeDenomTools } from '../../tools/asset-info.js';
 import { makeDoOffer, type WalletDriver } from '../../tools/e2e-tools.js';
-import { balancesFromPurses } from '../../tools/purse.js';
 import { makeQueryClient } from '../../tools/query.js';
 import { makeRandomDigits } from '../../tools/random.js';
+import type { RetryUntilCondition } from '../../tools/sleep.js';
 import { createWallet } from '../../tools/wallet.js';
 import { commonSetup, type SetupContextWithWallets } from '../support.js';
 import { makeFeedPolicy, oracleMnemonics } from './config.js';
@@ -17,12 +19,12 @@ import { makeFeedPolicy, oracleMnemonics } from './config.js';
 const { keys, values, fromEntries } = Object;
 const { isGTE, isEmpty, make } = AmountMath;
-const makeRandomNumber = () => Math.random();
+type VStorageClient = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof commonSetup>>['vstorageClient'];
 const test = anyTest as TestFn<
   SetupContextWithWallets & {
-    lpUser: WalletDriver;
-    oracleWds: WalletDriver[];
+    txOracles: TxOracle[];
+    lpWallet: WalletDriver;
     nobleAgoricChannelId: IBCChannelID;
     usdcOnOsmosis: Denom;
     /** usdc on agoric */
@@ -45,16 +47,23 @@ test.before(async t => {
+    vstorageClient,
+    retryUntilCondition,
   } = common;
   await deleteTestKeys(accounts).catch();
   const wallets = await setupTestKeys(accounts, values(oracleMnemonics));
   // provision oracle wallets first so invitation deposits don't fail
-  const oracleWds = await Promise.all(
-    keys(oracleMnemonics).map(n =>
-      provisionSmartWallet(wallets[n], {
-        BLD: 100n,
-      }),
+  const txOracles = await Promise.all(
+    keys(oracleMnemonics).map(async name =>
+      makeTxOracle(
+        name,
+        await provisionSmartWallet(wallets[name], { BLD: 100n }),
+        wallets[name],
+        vstorageClient,
+        retryUntilCondition,
+        () => Date.now(),
+      ),
@@ -78,15 +87,16 @@ test.before(async t => {
   await faucetTools.fundFaucet([['noble', 'uusdc']]);
   // save an LP in test context
-  const lpUser = await provisionSmartWallet(wallets['lp'], {
+  const lpWallet = await provisionSmartWallet(wallets['lp'], {
     USDC: 8_000n,
     BLD: 100n,
   t.context = {
-    lpUser,
-    oracleWds,
+    txOracles,
+    lpWallet: lpWallet,
+    provisionSmartWallet,
@@ -99,114 +109,314 @@ test.after(async t => {
-const toOracleOfferId = (idx: number) => `oracle${idx + 1}-accept`;
+const agoricNamesQ = (vsc: VStorageClient) =>
+  harden({
+    instance: (name: string) =>
+      vsc
+        .queryData('published.agoricNames.instance')
+        .then(pairs => fromEntries(pairs)[name] as Instance),
+    brands: () =>
+      vsc
+        .queryData('published.agoricNames.brand')
+        .then(pairs => fromEntries(pairs) as Record<string, Brand>),
+  });
+const walletQ = (vsc: VStorageClient) =>
+  harden({
+    current: (addr: string) =>
+      vsc.queryData(
+        `published.wallet.${addr}.current`,
+      ) as Promise<CurrentWalletRecord>,
+  });
-test.serial('oracles accept', async t => {
-  const { oracleWds, retryUntilCondition, vstorageClient, wallets } = t.context;
-  const brands = await vstorageClient.queryData('published.agoricNames.brand');
-  const { Invitation } = Object.fromEntries(brands);
+// XXX TODO: import metrics types
+export interface PoolStats {
+  totalBorrows: Amount<'nat'>;
+  totalContractFees: Amount<'nat'>;
+  totalPoolFees: Amount<'nat'>;
+  totalRepays: Amount<'nat'>;
+export interface PoolMetrics extends PoolStats {
+  encumberedBalance: Amount<'nat'>;
+  shareWorth: Ratio;
+const fastLPQ = (vsc: VStorageClient) =>
+  harden({
+    metrics: () =>
+      vsc.queryData(
+        `published.${contractName}.poolMetrics`,
+      ) as Promise<PoolMetrics>,
+    info: () =>
+      vsc.queryData(`published.${contractName}`) as Promise<{
+        poolAccount: string;
+        settlementAccount: string;
+      }>,
+    txStatus: (txHash: string) =>
+      vsc.queryData(`published.${contractName}.status.${txHash}`),
+  });
+const makeTxOracle = (
+  name: string,
+  wd: WalletDriver,
+  address: string,
+  vstorageClient: VStorageClient,
+  retryUntilCondition: RetryUntilCondition,
+  now: () => number,
+) => {
+  const acceptOfferId = `${name}-accept`;
+  const instanceP = agoricNamesQ(vstorageClient).instance(contractName);
+  const brandP = agoricNamesQ(vstorageClient).brands();
   const description = 'oracle operator invitation';
-  // ensure we have an unused (or used) oracle invitation in each purse
-  let hasAccepted = false;
-  for (const name of keys(oracleMnemonics)) {
-    const { offerToUsedInvitation, purses } = await vstorageClient.queryData(
-      `published.wallet.${wallets[name]}.current`,
-    );
-    const { value: invitations } = balancesFromPurses(purses)[Invitation];
-    const hasInvitation = invitations.some(x => x.description === description);
-    const usedInvitation = offerToUsedInvitation?.[0]?.[0] === `${name}-accept`;
-    t.log({ name, hasInvitation, usedInvitation });
-    t.true(hasInvitation || usedInvitation, 'has or accepted invitation');
-    if (usedInvitation) hasAccepted = true;
-  }
-  // if the oracles have already accepted, skip the rest of the test this is
-  // primarily to facilitate active development but could support testing on
-  // images where operator invs are already accepted
-  if (hasAccepted) return t.pass();
+  const doOffer = makeDoOffer(wd);
+  const self = harden({
+    getName: () => name,
+    getAddr: () => address,
+    acceptInvitation: async () => {
+      const instance = await instanceP;
+      await doOffer({
+        id: acceptOfferId,
+        invitationSpec: { source: 'purse', instance, description },
+        proposal: {},
+      });
-  // accept oracle operator invitations
-  const instance = fromEntries(
-    await vstorageClient.queryData('published.agoricNames.instance'),
-  )[contractName];
-  await Promise.all(
-    oracleWds.map(makeDoOffer).map((doOffer, i) =>
+      await retryUntilCondition(
+        () => self.checkInvitation(),
+        check => check.usedInvitation,
+        `${name} invitation used`,
+      );
+    },
+    checkInvitation: async () => {
+      const { Invitation } = await brandP;
+      const { offerToUsedInvitation, purses } =
+        await walletQ(vstorageClient).current(address);
+      type InvitationDetails = { description: string }; // TODO: import from Zoe
+      const { value: details } = purses.find(p => p.brand === Invitation)!
+        .balance as Amount<'set', InvitationDetails>;
+      const invitation = details.find(x => x.description === description);
+      const usedInvitation = offerToUsedInvitation.some(
+        ([k, _v]) => k === `${name}-accept`,
+      );
+      return { invitation, usedInvitation };
+    },
+    submit: (evidence: Record<string, unknown>) => {
-        id: toOracleOfferId(i),
+        id: `${now()}-evm-evidence`,
         invitationSpec: {
-          source: 'purse',
-          instance,
-          description,
+          source: 'continuing',
+          previousOffer: acceptOfferId,
+          invitationMakerName: 'SubmitEvidence',
+          invitationArgs: [evidence],
         proposal: {},
-      }),
-    ),
-  );
+      });
+    },
+  });
+  return self;
+type TxOracle = ReturnType<typeof makeTxOracle>;
-  for (const name of keys(oracleMnemonics)) {
-    const addr = wallets[name];
-    await t.notThrowsAsync(() =>
-      retryUntilCondition(
-        () => vstorageClient.queryData(`published.wallet.${addr}.current`),
-        ({ offerToUsedInvitation }) => {
-          return offerToUsedInvitation[0][0] === `${name}-accept`;
-        },
-        `${name} invitation used`,
-      ),
-    );
+test.serial('oracles accept', async t => {
+  const { txOracles } = t.context;
+  const checks = await Promise.all(
+    txOracles.map(async op => {
+      const { invitation, usedInvitation } = await op.checkInvitation();
+      t.log({ name: op.getName(), invitation, usedInvitation });
+      t.truthy(invitation || usedInvitation, 'has or accepted invitation');
+      return usedInvitation;
+    }),
+  );
+  // if the oracles have already accepted, skip the rest of the test this is
+  // primarily to facilitate active development but could support testing on
+  // images where operator invs are already accepted
+  if (checks.some(b => b)) {
+    return t.pass();
+  // accept oracle operator invitations
+  await t.notThrowsAsync(
+    Promise.all(txOracles.map(op => op.acceptInvitation())),
+  );
-test.serial('lp deposits', async t => {
-  const { lpUser, retryUntilCondition, vstorageClient, wallets } = t.context;
+const makeLiquidityProvider = (
+  my: {
+    address: string; // XXX should be availble from wd
+    wd: WalletDriver;
+  },
+  the: {
+    vstorageClient: VStorageClient;
+    retryUntilCondition: RetryUntilCondition;
+    now: () => number;
+  },
+) => {
+  const lpDoOffer = makeDoOffer(my.wd);
+  const { vstorageClient: vsc } = the;
+  const self = harden({
+    getAddr: () => my.address,
+    getBalance: async (brand: Brand) => {
+      const { purses } = await walletQ(vsc).current(my.address);
+      const found = purses.find(p => p.brand === brand);
+      return found?.balance;
+    },
+    deposit: async (amt: Amount<'nat'>) => {
+      const { shareWorth } = await fastLPQ(vsc).metrics();
+      const want = { PoolShare: divideBy(amt, shareWorth) };
-  const lpDoOffer = makeDoOffer(lpUser);
-  const brands = await vstorageClient.queryData('published.agoricNames.brand');
-  const { USDC, FastLP } = Object.fromEntries(brands);
+      await lpDoOffer({
+        id: `lp-deposit-${the.now()}`,
+        invitationSpec: {
+          source: 'agoricContract',
+          instancePath: [contractName],
+          callPipe: [['makeDepositInvitation']],
+        },
+        proposal: { give: { USDC: amt }, want },
+      });
+      return { pre: { shareWorth }, want };
+    },
+    withdrawAll: async (t: ExecutionContext, chain, usdcDenom) => {
+      const queryClient = makeQueryClient(chain);
+      const { FastLP } = await agoricNamesQ(vsc).brands();
+      t.log('FastLP brand', FastLP);
+      const { shareWorth } = await fastLPQ(vsc).metrics();
+      const sharesPre = (await self.getBalance(FastLP)) as Amount<'nat'>;
+      assert(sharesPre);
+      t.log('sharesPre', sharesPre);
+      const want = { USDC: multiplyBy(sharesPre, shareWorth) };
+      t.log('want.USDC', want.USDC);
+      const { balance: currentUSDCBalance } = await queryClient.queryBalance(
+        my.address,
+        usdcDenom,
+      );
+      t.log(`current ${usdcDenom} balance`, currentUSDCBalance);
-  const usdcToGive = make(USDC, LP_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT);
+      await lpDoOffer({
+        id: `lp-withdraw-${the.now()}`,
+        invitationSpec: {
+          source: 'agoricContract',
+          instancePath: [contractName],
+          callPipe: [['makeWithdrawInvitation']],
+        },
+        proposal: { give: { PoolShare: sharesPre }, want },
+      });
+      await t.notThrowsAsync(() =>
+        the.retryUntilCondition(
+          () => self.getBalance(FastLP),
+          poolShares => !poolShares || isEmpty(poolShares),
+          'lp no longer has pool shares',
+        ),
+      );
-  const { shareWorth: currShareWorth } = await vstorageClient.queryData(
-    `published.${contractName}.poolMetrics`,
-  );
-  const poolSharesWanted = divideBy(usdcToGive, currShareWorth);
-  await lpDoOffer({
-    id: `lp-deposit-${Date.now()}`,
-    invitationSpec: {
-      source: 'agoricContract',
-      instancePath: [contractName],
-      callPipe: [['makeDepositInvitation']],
-    },
-    proposal: {
-      give: { USDC: usdcToGive },
-      want: { PoolShare: poolSharesWanted },
+      await t.notThrowsAsync(() =>
+        the.retryUntilCondition(
+          () => queryClient.queryBalance(my.address, usdcDenom),
+          ({ balance }) =>
+            !!balance?.amount &&
+            BigInt(balance.amount) - BigInt(currentUSDCBalance!.amount!) >
+              LP_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT,
+          "lp's USDC balance increases",
+        ),
+      );
+      return { pre: { uusdc: currentUSDCBalance } };
+  return self;
+test.serial('lp deposits', async t => {
+  const {
+    lpWallet: lpWallet,
+    retryUntilCondition,
+    vstorageClient,
+    wallets,
+  } = t.context;
+  const lp = makeLiquidityProvider(
+    { address: wallets.lp, wd: lpWallet },
+    { vstorageClient, now: () => Date.now(), retryUntilCondition },
+  );
+  const { USDC, FastLP } = await agoricNamesQ(vstorageClient).brands();
+  const { pre, want } = await lp.deposit(make(USDC, LP_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT));
   await t.notThrowsAsync(() =>
-      () => vstorageClient.queryData(`published.${contractName}.poolMetrics`),
+      () => fastLPQ(vstorageClient).metrics(),
       ({ shareWorth }) =>
-        !isGTE(currShareWorth.numerator, shareWorth.numerator),
+        !isGTE(pre.shareWorth.numerator, shareWorth.numerator),
       'share worth numerator increases from deposit',
   await t.notThrowsAsync(() =>
-      () =>
-        vstorageClient.queryData(`published.wallet.${wallets['lp']}.current`),
-      ({ purses }) => {
-        const currentPoolShares = balancesFromPurses(purses)[FastLP];
-        return currentPoolShares && isGTE(currentPoolShares, poolSharesWanted);
-      },
+      () => lp.getBalance(FastLP),
+      lpShares => Boolean(lpShares && isGTE(lpShares, want.PoolShare)),
       'lp has pool shares',
+const makeUserAgent = (
+  my: { wallet: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof createWallet>> },
+  vstorageClient: VStorageClient,
+  nobleTools: SetupContextWithWallets['nobleTools'],
+  nobleAgoricChannelId: IBCChannelID,
+) => {
+  return harden({
+    sendFast: async (t: ExecutionContext, mintAmt: bigint) => {
+      const EUD = (await my.wallet.getAccounts())[0].address;
+      t.log(`EUD wallet created: ${EUD}`);
+      // parameterize agoric address
+      const { settlementAccount } = await fastLPQ(vstorageClient).info();
+      t.log('settlementAccount address', settlementAccount);
+      const recipientAddress = encodeAddressHook(settlementAccount, { EUD });
+      t.log('recipientAddress', recipientAddress);
+      // register forwarding address on noble
+      const txRes = nobleTools.registerForwardingAcct(
+        nobleAgoricChannelId,
+        recipientAddress,
+      );
+      t.is(txRes?.code, 0, 'registered forwarding account');
+      const { address: userForwardingAddr } = nobleTools.queryForwardingAddress(
+        nobleAgoricChannelId,
+        recipientAddress,
+      );
+      t.log('got forwardingAddress', userForwardingAddr);
+      // TODO export CctpTxEvidence type
+      const tx = harden({
+        txHash: `0xc81bc6105b60a234c7c50ac17816ebcd5561d366df8bf3be59ff3875527617${makeRandomDigits(Math.random(), 2n)}`,
+        tx: {
+          amount: mintAmt,
+          forwardingAddress: userForwardingAddr,
+        },
+        aux: {
+          forwardingChannel: nobleAgoricChannelId,
+          recipientAddress,
+        },
+        chainId: 42161,
+      });
+      console.log('User initiates evm mint:', tx.txHash);
+      return { tx, EUD, userForwardingAddr };
+    },
+  });
 const advanceAndSettleScenario = test.macro({
   title: (_, mintAmt: bigint, eudChain: string) =>
     `advance ${mintAmt} uusdc to ${eudChain} and settle`,
@@ -214,81 +424,45 @@ const advanceAndSettleScenario = test.macro({
     const {
-      oracleWds,
+      txOracles,
     } = t.context;
     // EUD wallet on the specified chain
     const eudWallet = await createWallet(
+      undefined,
+      { getBytes: Random.getBytes },
-    const EUD = (await eudWallet.getAccounts())[0].address;
-    t.log(`EUD wallet created: ${EUD}`);
-    // parameterize agoric address
-    const { settlementAccount } = await vstorageClient.queryData(
-      `published.${contractName}`,
-    );
-    t.log('settlementAccount address', settlementAccount);
-    const recipientAddress = encodeAddressHook(settlementAccount, { EUD });
-    t.log('recipientAddress', recipientAddress);
-    // register forwarding address on noble
-    const txRes = nobleTools.registerForwardingAcct(
-      nobleAgoricChannelId,
-      recipientAddress,
-    );
-    t.is(txRes?.code, 0, 'registered forwarding account');
-    const { address: userForwardingAddr } = nobleTools.queryForwardingAddress(
+    const ua = makeUserAgent(
+      { wallet: eudWallet },
+      vstorageClient,
+      nobleTools,
-      recipientAddress,
-    t.log('got forwardingAddress', userForwardingAddr);
+    const { tx, EUD, userForwardingAddr } = await ua.sendFast(t, mintAmt);
     // TODO export CctpTxEvidence type
     const evidence = harden({
+      ...tx,
       blockNumber: 21037663n,
-      txHash: `0xc81bc6105b60a234c7c50ac17816ebcd5561d366df8bf3be59ff3875527617${makeRandomDigits(makeRandomNumber(), 2n)}`,
-      tx: {
-        amount: mintAmt,
-        forwardingAddress: userForwardingAddr,
-      },
-      aux: {
-        forwardingChannel: nobleAgoricChannelId,
-        recipientAddress,
-      },
-      chainId: 42161,
     console.log('User initiates evm mint:', evidence.txHash);
     // submit evidences
-    await Promise.all(
-      oracleWds.map(makeDoOffer).map((doOffer, i) =>
-        doOffer({
-          id: `${Date.now()}-evm-evidence`,
-          invitationSpec: {
-            source: 'continuing',
-            previousOffer: toOracleOfferId(i),
-            invitationMakerName: 'SubmitEvidence',
-            invitationArgs: [evidence],
-          },
-          proposal: {},
-        }),
-      ),
-    );
+    await Promise.all(txOracles.map(op => op.submit(evidence)));
     const queryClient = makeQueryClient(
       await useChain(eudChain).getRestEndpoint(),
+    // XXX this part should be in the ua
     await t.notThrowsAsync(() =>
         () => queryClient.queryBalance(EUD, usdcOnOsmosis),
@@ -299,15 +473,10 @@ const advanceAndSettleScenario = test.macro({
-    const queryTxStatus = async () =>
-      vstorageClient.queryData(
-        `published.${contractName}.status.${evidence.txHash}`,
-      );
     const assertTxStatus = async (status: string) =>
       t.notThrowsAsync(() =>
-          () => queryTxStatus(),
+          () => fastLPQ(vstorageClient).txStatus(evidence.txHash),
           txStatus => {
             console.log('tx status', txStatus);
             return txStatus === status;
@@ -322,7 +491,7 @@ const advanceAndSettleScenario = test.macro({
     nobleTools.mockCctpMint(mintAmt, userForwardingAddr);
     await t.notThrowsAsync(() =>
-        () => vstorageClient.queryData(`published.${contractName}.poolMetrics`),
+        () => fastLPQ(vstorageClient).metrics(),
         ({ encumberedBalance }) =>
           encumberedBalance && isEmpty(encumberedBalance),
         'encumberedBalance returns to 0',
@@ -339,73 +508,20 @@ test.serial(advanceAndSettleScenario, LP_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT / 5n, 'agoric');
 test.serial('lp withdraws', async t => {
   const {
-    lpUser,
+    lpWallet: lpUser,
   } = t.context;
-  const queryClient = makeQueryClient(
-    await useChain('agoric').getRestEndpoint(),
-  );
-  const lpDoOffer = makeDoOffer(lpUser);
-  const brands = await vstorageClient.queryData('published.agoricNames.brand');
-  const { FastLP } = Object.fromEntries(brands);
-  t.log('FastLP brand', FastLP);
-  const { shareWorth: currShareWorth } = await vstorageClient.queryData(
-    `published.${contractName}.poolMetrics`,
-  );
-  const { purses } = await vstorageClient.queryData(
-    `published.wallet.${wallets['lp']}.current`,
-  );
-  const currentPoolShares = balancesFromPurses(purses)[FastLP];
-  t.log('currentPoolShares', currentPoolShares);
-  const usdcWanted = multiplyBy(currentPoolShares, currShareWorth);
-  t.log('usdcWanted', usdcWanted);
-  const { balance: currentUSDCBalance } = await queryClient.queryBalance(
-    wallets['lp'],
-    usdcDenom,
-  );
-  t.log(`current ${usdcDenom} balance`, currentUSDCBalance);
-  await lpDoOffer({
-    id: `lp-withdraw-${Date.now()}`,
-    invitationSpec: {
-      source: 'agoricContract',
-      instancePath: [contractName],
-      callPipe: [['makeWithdrawInvitation']],
-    },
-    proposal: {
-      give: { PoolShare: currentPoolShares },
-      want: { USDC: usdcWanted },
-    },
-  });
-  await t.notThrowsAsync(() =>
-    retryUntilCondition(
-      () =>
-        vstorageClient.queryData(`published.wallet.${wallets['lp']}.current`),
-      ({ purses }) => {
-        const currentPoolShares = balancesFromPurses(purses)[FastLP];
-        return !currentPoolShares || isEmpty(currentPoolShares);
-      },
-      'lp no longer has pool shares',
-    ),
+  const lp = makeLiquidityProvider(
+    { address: wallets.lp, wd: lpUser },
+    { now: () => Date.now(), retryUntilCondition, vstorageClient },
-  await t.notThrowsAsync(() =>
-    retryUntilCondition(
-      () => queryClient.queryBalance(wallets['lp'], usdcDenom),
-      ({ balance }) =>
-        !!balance?.amount &&
-        BigInt(balance.amount) - BigInt(currentUSDCBalance!.amount!) >
-      "lp's USDC balance increases",
-    ),
-  );
+  await lp.withdrawAll(t, useChain('agoric'), usdcDenom);
 test.todo('insufficient LP funds; forward path');