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CMake Cheatsheet -- A gentle introduction to CMake

CMake - Creating a simple C++ project

CMake is a tool for configuring how a cross-platform source code project should be built on a given platform.

A small project could be organized like this:


This project contains two source files located in the src directory and one header file in the include directory in the same directory.

When running CMake on this project you are asked to for a binary directory. It is best practice to create a new directory since this directory will contain all files related to building the project. If something goes wrong, you can delete the folder and start over.

Running CMake will not create the final executable, but instead, it will generate project files for Visual Studio, XCode or makefiles. Use these tools to build the project.

Understanding CMakeLists.txt

Creating project files using CMake requires a file, which describes how the project is structured and how it should be built.

For example 1 the file looks like this:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.9)

# Setup projectname
project (HelloProject)

# Compile and link main.cpp and foo.cpp into the executable Hello

add_executable(Hello src/main.cpp src/foo.cpp)

First, the minimum version of CMake is defined. Then the project name is defined using the command . A project can contain multiple targets (either executables or libraries). This project defines a single executable target called , which is created by compiling and linking the two source files and files.

When the two source files are compiled the compiler will search for the header file since both source files depend on this using a . Since the file is located in the same located as the source file, the compiler will not have any problems finding the file.

The CMake Scripting Language

The CMakeLists.txt describes the build process using a command based programming language. The commands are case insensitive and take a list of arguments.

# This is a comment.
COMMAND( arguments go here )
ANOTHER_COMMAND() # this command has no arguments
  arguments are spread         # another comment 
  over several lines )

CMake script also has variables. Variables can either be defined by CMake or can be defined in the CMake script. The command set a given parameter to a value. The command print out the value to the console. To get the value of a variable use , which substitutes the variable name with its value.

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.9)

SET( x 3 )     # x = "3"
SET( y 1 )     # y = "1"
MESSAGE( x y ) # displays "xy"
MESSAGE( ${x}${y} ) # displays "31"

All variable values are a text string. Text strings can be evaluated as boolean expressions (e.g. when used in and ). The values "FALSE", "OFF", "NO", or any string ending in "-NOTFOUND" evaluates be false - everything else to true.

Text strings can represent multiple values as a list by separating entities using a semicolon.

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.9)

SET( x 3 2) 
# x = "3;2"

SET( y hello world !) 
# y = "hello;world;!"

SET( z "hello world!" ) 
# z = "hello world!"

MESSAGE( ${x} )
 # prints "xy"

MESSAGE( "y = ${y} z = ${z}" ) 
# prints y = hello;world;! z = hello world!

Lists can be iterated using the command :

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.9)

SET( x 3 2) # x = "3;2"
FOREACH (val ${x})
  MESSAGE(${val} ) 

# prints:
# 3
# 2

Exposing compile options

CMake allows the end user (who runs CMake) to modify some values of some variables. This is usually used to defined properties of the build such as locations of files, machine architecture, and string values.

The command set the variable to the default value - but allows the value to be changed by the cmake user when configuring the build. The type should be one of the following:

  • FILEPATH = File chooser dialog.
  • PATH = Directory chooser dialog.
  • STRING = Arbitrary string.
  • BOOL = Boolean ON/OFF checkbox.
  • INTERNAL = No GUI entry (used for persistent variables).

In the following example, the user can configure if "Hello" or an alternative string should be printed based on the configuration variables hello and other_msg.

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.9)

SET(hello true CACHE BOOL "If true write hello")
SET(other_msg "Hi" CACHE STRING "Not hello value")
IF (${hello})
ELSE (${hello})
ENDIF (${hello})

The values that the CMake user enters will be saved in the text file as key-value pairs:

// ....
//Print hello

//Not hello value
other_msg:STRING=Guten tag
// ....

Complex projects

Some project both contains multiple executables and multiple libraries. For instance when having both unit tests and programs. It is common to separate these subprojects into subfolders. Example:


The main contains the basic project settings but then includes the subprojects:

# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.9)

# Setup projectname
project (HelloProject)


First the library Foo is compiled from the source in the directory:

# somelib/CMakeLists.txt

# Compile and link foo.cpp
add_library(Foo STATIC foo.cpp) 

Finally, the executable Hello is compiled and linked to the Foo library

  • note that the target name is used here - not the actual path. Since the main.cpp references to header file Foo.hpp the somelib directory is added to the header search path:
# someexe/CMakeLists.txt

# add somelib to header search path

add_executable(Hello main.cpp)

# link to Foo library
target_link_libraries(Hello Foo)

Searching for source files

Use the to automatically search for files within a directory given one or more search patterns. Note that in the example below, both source files and header files are added to the project. This is not needed for compiling the project, but it is convenient when using an IDE since this also adds the header files to the project.

# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.9)

# Setup projectname
project (HelloProject)

file(GLOB sourcefiles

add_executable(Hello ${sourcefiles})

Runtime resources

Often runtime resources (such as DLLs, game-assets and text files) are read relative to the executable. One solution is to copy resources into the same directory as the executable. Example:


In this project, the source files assume that the resource is located in the same directory as the executable:

// main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main(){
    std::fstream f("res.txt");
    std::cout << f.rdbuf();
    return 0;

The CMakeLists.txt make sure to copy the file.

# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.9)

# Setup projectname
project (HelloProject)

add_executable(Hello someexe/main.cpp)

file(COPY someexe/res.txt DESTINATION Debug)
file(COPY someexe/res.txt DESTINATION Release)

Note: One problem with this approach is if you modify the original resources, then you need to run CMake again.

External libraries

External libraries basically come in two flavors; dynamically linked libraries (DLLs) which are linked with the binary at runtime and statical linked libraries which are linked at compile time.

Static libraries have the most simple setup. To use one, the compiler needs to know the location of where to locate the header files and the linker need to know the location of the actual library. Unless the external libraries are distributed along with the project it is usually not possible to know their location - for this reason, it is common to use cached variables, where the CMake user can change the location. Static libraries have the file ending .lib on Windows and .a on most other platforms.

# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.9)

# Setup projectname
project (HelloProject)

set(fooinclude "/usr/local/include"
        CACHE PATH "Location of foo header")
set(foolib "/usr/local/lib/foo.a"
        CACHE FILEPATH "Location of foo.a")


add_executable(Hello someexe/main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Hello ${foolib})

Dynamically linked libraries work similar to statical linked libraries. On Windows, it is still needed to link to a library at compile time, but the actual linking to the DLL happens at compile time. The executable file needs to be able to find the DLL file in the runtime linkers search path. If the DLL is not a system library, an easy solution is to copy the DLL next to the executable. Working with DLL often requires platform specific actions, which CMake support using the built-in variables , , .

# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.9)

# Setup projectname
project (HelloProject)

set(fooinclude "/usr/local/include"
        CACHE PATH "Location of foo header")
set(foolib "/usr/local/lib/foo.lib"
        CACHE FILEPATH "Location of foo.lib")
set(foodll "/usr/local/lib/foo.dll"
        CACHE FILEPATH "Location of foo.dll")


add_executable(Hello someexe/main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Hello ${foolib})

IF (WIN32)
    file(COPY ${foodll} DESTINATION Debug)
    file(COPY ${foodll} DESTINATION Release)

Automatically locating libraries

CMake also contains a feature to automatically find libraries (based on a number of suggested locations) using the command . However, this feature works best on macOS and Linux.

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C++ version

The C++ version can be set using the commands:


Defining preprocessor symbols

Use the to add preprocessor symbols to the project.

# ...

This will create the symbols and , which can be used in the source code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){
#ifdef BAR
    cout << "Bar"<< endl;
    cout << "Hello world "<<FOO << endl;

    return 0;

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