description |
This page contains codes and resources for the event DRDO DGRE's Vision Based Obstacle Avoidance Drone in the Inter IIT Tech Meet 9.0 |
{% file src="../.gitbook/assets/DRDO_VOAD_ps.pdf" %} VOAD Problem Statement {% endfile %}
This file contains our architecture and approach to the problem statement:
{% file src="../.gitbook/assets/9_Documentation.pdf" %} Technical Report {% endfile %}
This file contains the slides presented after the competition:
{% file src="../.gitbook/assets/9_Presentation.pdf" %} Slides {% endfile %}
The complete software stack is available on Github. It contains all the modules we have used:
General Overview of the modules used:
- Explorer: This Module Integrates the Takeoff, Landing, Detection and planning modules. Publishes final setpoints for landing of the quadrotor
- Box_Detector: Uses the downward facing camera to detect the ArUco marker and calculate its position provided it has the id 0 using OpenCV.
- Active_Planner: This Module is responsible for finding and evaluating frontiers in a 3D environment based on a TSDF (Truncated Signed Distance Function) map. It Then checks if there is a waypoint in the queue and if not, selects and adds the best frontier. If there is a waypoint, it generates a trajectory using a graph based search algorithm, tracks it, and if aborted, selects a new frontier for the process to repeat.
- Broadcaster: This module listens to the pose topic and broadcasts a transform from the "map" frame to the "base_link" frame using TF2.