- This package provides a way to simulate VBA Immediate Window in Output VSCode window
- Find the Output window (VBA Immediate Window)
- This method print any type os variable
Public Sub index()
Dim test(1) As Variant
'Add an Object
Set test(0) = Sheets(1)
'Add a String
test(1) = "Test Xdebug Output"
Xdebug.printx test
End Sub
- This method is use for print error
Public Sub index()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle:
'throw an error
d = 1/0
'Your code here
Xdebug.errorSource = "pageConsoller.index"
End Sub
- This method is use for print error and raise the error to the "parent" function/sub/method
- Just used for "children" function/sub/method
Public Sub index()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle:
'Children Function Call that will throw an Error and Raise to the Sub
Call errorSimulation
Xdebug.errorSource = "pageConsoller.index"
End Sub
'Throw an Error and Raise the his parent
Public Function errorSimulation()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle:
'throw an error
d = 1/0
Xdebug.errorSource = "pageConsoller.errorSimulation"
End Function