Documentation block should start with a doubled comment symbol if applicable, in this case first section should start from the next line. End of the block should contain empty comment line.
* Awesome function
function doSomething() {
# Awesome method
def do_something
Most of the Markdown syntax rules are applicable with following additions and recommendations:
- Each section (except description) should start with a keyword. Keyword must
be capitalized and should end with a colon, i.e.
,See also:
. - Minus signs are preffered for the lists
- Types, Constants, Classes and Namespaces should be wrapped into the curly
braces, e.g.:
- Inline html is not allowed
- Headers and Blockqoutes are not recommended
If section has one line with less than 80 symbols, it is allowed to place this line directly after the keyword followed by single space. Otherwise, text or list should start with new line (see examples below).
There is a list of sections available:
All the sections are optional, but Description, Params and Results are highly recommended.
Each section must end with an empty comment line.
Sections and keywords must be ordered as listed above.
It is highly recommended to have a description part for each method/class/variable/constant. Description can start with one of the following keywords (optional):
– for class documentationModule:
– for module documentationConstant:
– for constantsNamespace:
– namespace description and/or list of child constantsFactory:
– mark as factory methodConstructor:
– mark as class constructorAbstract:
– mark as abstract method/classPrivate:
– for private methods
Also you can use another keyword, which indicates that the method/class corresponds to commonly used design patterns.
If needed, you can chain the keywords in logical order:
# Abstract Class: Defines a public API for adapters
class AbstractAdapter
For more complex documentation, you can provide the brief description on the first line and more detailed description on next paragraphs. Paragraphs should be separated with an empty line:
* Class: Event dispatcher
* Determine event type and dispatch corresponding
* event handlers in order of addition.
* Also provides event bubbling and capturing.
var EventDispatcher = (function() {
Description can be ended with a Deprecated!
standalone tag which indicates
that code is deprecated and can be removed in next versions. In this case,
description section should explain reason of deprecation and alternatives for
using instead.
should contain the list of parameters with following columns:
- parameter name - required
- parameter type - optional, Should be wrapped into the curly braces. If
parameter has different types they should be splitted with pipe
- parameter description - optional, Brief param desription. If parameter is
optional or has a default value, description should end with mention of this
in a parentheses:
(optional, default: false)
It is recommended to align columns with spaces.
# Params:
# - name {String} User's first name
# - age {Integer|String} His age (optional)
# - options {Hash} Various options (optional, default: {})
If one or more parameters contain a key/value list - keys can be listed as a
params after the corresponding parameter with two spaces indentation or can be
listed after the Options:
# Params:
# - title {String} Title for paragraph
# - options {Hash} Options for paragraph
# - align {String} Text aligning (allowed: ["right", "justify", "left"])
# - margin {Integer} Margin in points
keyword should end with reference to corresponding parameters.
Rules are similar to the Params:
, Array
(with positional elements) and other non-primitive argument
should be described as well.
Collection (as well as collection items) could be documented elsewhere.
Param could have multiline description. Paragraphs should be separated with an empty line. Using indentation is strongly recommended.
# Params:
# - name {String} Tag name
# - tag_options {Hash} Semantic options for tag
# - attributes {Hash} HTML attributes
# HTML attributes may include such options as :class,
# :style, etc.
# Data-attributes could be given individually (
# e.g. :data-attr => 'value') or as a hash (
# e.g. :data => {:key => 'value', :key2 => 'value2'}).
# - categories {Array} List of categories
# - paragraphs {Array(Paragraph)} Collection of paragraphs
# Options (tag_options):
# - single {Boolean} Tag is single?
# - xhtml {Boolean} Create a xhtml compatible tag (optional, default: false)
# Options (attributes):
# - class {String|Array} Class name or list of names (optional)
# - value {String|Integer} Value for the input (optional)
# Option (categories):
# - 0 {String} Primary category
# - 1 {String} Secondary category
def article_tag(name, tag_options, attributes, categories, paragraphs)
keyword describes given block
, Renders:
, Redirects:
– keywords which describe what
method/function should return or render (for MVC controllers, etc)
– list of exceptions which can be raised by this method/function and
conditions that cause them.
# Raises:
# - {NoMethodError} if method is not applicable
# - {TimeoutError} if max request time reached
# Returns: {String} Response body
Examples section should start with Examples:
keyword. Each example can have a
description like in Description section, but without any keyword.
Code should have 4 space indentation and be separated with empty comment lines before and after.
* Examples:
* Get value
* $("#search").val();
* Set value
* $("#search").val("Test value");
and FIXME:
keywords – text or list of what needs to be implemented or
# TODO: catch exceptions
# - crash when name contains brace
# - returning float is not allowed
keyword is used for various notes, workaround descriptions or various
See also:
references to another methods, classes, libraries or documentation.
Known issues:
provides a list of issues which can not be fixed for now.