The leptos part is based off this template:
The Tauri part is based off this command: cargo tauri init
cargo generate ActuallyHappening/start-leptos-tauri
Or, just poke around and copy some configs or code, as you wish.
To run tauri, run cargo tauri dev
(or preferrably RUST_LOG=info cargo tauri dev
for good logging).
To view static site, run trunk serve --open --no-default-features --features ssg
To view serve site, run cargo leptos serve
and open to http://localhost:3000/
Currently, both cargo leptos
and trunk serve
use the same folder: dist
, so
don't run them together (unless you change the folders they output to).
I am developing a personal project, this is intended to give a foothold for others who are trying to solve the same issues as me.
This article helped me:
I am very happy to document this more, please, just add a github issue and I will!