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File metadata and controls

101 lines (78 loc) · 2.56 KB


The goal of rdkafka is to work as a R wrapper for librdkafka


You can install the development version of rdkafka from GitHub like so:


Note: Only tested on linux at the moment.



Start the Kafka broker with the docker compose command:

(sudo) docker compose up -d

Note: Make sure you are in the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file.

Create the example topics Topic1 and Topic2 with the following command:

(sudo) docker compose exec broker \
  kafka-topics --create \
    --topic Topic1 \
    --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
    --replication-factor 1 \
    --partitions 1

Use a KafkaProducer object to send messages and a Kafka Consumer to receive them:


producer <- KafkaProducer$new(brokers = "localhost:9092")
consumer <- KafkaConsumer$new(brokers = "localhost:9092", group_id = "readme", extra_options = list("auto.offset.reset" = "earliest"))
counter <- seq_len(5L)
producer$produce(topic = "Topic1", keys = sprintf("Key %s", counter), payloads = sprintf("Message %s", counter)) |> print()
#> [1] 5
producer$produce(topic = "Topic2", keys = sprintf("Id %s", counter), payloads = sprintf("Body %s", counter)) |> print()
#> [1] 5
consumer$subscribe(topics = c("Topic1", "Topic2"))
#> [1] 0
#> [1] "Topic1" "Topic2"
results <- list()
while (identical(results, list())) {
  results <- consumer$consume(num_results = 10, timeout_ms = 1000)
#> Timeout was reached with no new messages
#> Timeout was reached with no new messages
#>      topic   key   payload
#>  1: Topic1 Key 1 Message 1
#>  2: Topic1 Key 2 Message 2
#>  3: Topic1 Key 3 Message 3
#>  4: Topic1 Key 4 Message 4
#>  5: Topic1 Key 5 Message 5
#>  6: Topic2  Id 1    Body 1
#>  7: Topic2  Id 2    Body 2
#>  8: Topic2  Id 3    Body 3
#>  9: Topic2  Id 4    Body 4
#> 10: Topic2  Id 5    Body 5


librdkafka offers extensive customization options. For a comprehensive list of supported properties, please refer to the CONFIGURATION document. To configure a specific property, simply provide a conf object to either KafkaProducer or KafkaConsumer.