Robot Coordinate System Convention
- all our robot coordinate systems are oriented as shown above
- Positive X Axis = Forward
- Positive Y Axis = Left
- Positive Z Axis = Upwards
Naming Convention Legs - Quadruped Robot
- Front Right Leg = FR
- Front Left Leg = FL
- Hind Right Leg = HR
- Hind Left Leg = HL
Naming Convention Degrees of Freedom - 3dof leg
- Hip Abduction Adduction = Hip AA
- Hip Flexion Extension = Hip FE
- Knee Flexion Extension = Knee
- we use the following abbreviations to label the degrees of freedom
DOF Abbreviation | DOF Name |
FRHAA | Front Right Hip Abduction Adduction |
FRHFE | Front Right Hip Flexion Extension |
FRK | Front Right Knee |
FLHAA | Front Left Hip Abduction Adduction |
FLHFE | Front Left Hip Flexion Extension |
FLK | Front Left Knee |
HRHAA | Hind Right Hip Abduction Adduction |
HRHFE | Hind Right Hip Flexion Extension |
HRK | Hind Right Knee |
HLHAA | Hind Left Hip Abduction Adduction |
HLHFE | Hind Left Hip Flexion Extension |
HLK | Hind Left Knee |
The positive direction of rotation is counterclockwise when looking at the motor from the top.
The positive direction of rotation is clockwise when looking at the robot leg from the side.
We consider the leg to be at neutral standing height when the Hip FE angle is at 45 degrees and the knee angle is at 90 degrees. Our quadrupeds have a segment length of 16cm and a neutral standing height of 24cm.
The recommended printing direction is the positive z-axis-direction of the STL files.
We use the same mechanical output interface for all the actuator modules.
Mechanical interface for the segments.
Click on picture to view the wiring documentation page
The wiring conventions for the actuator modules and the electronics are documented here: Details Wiring
Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - Webpage
Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - YouTube Channel
Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - Forum
Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - Paper
Hardware Overview
Software Overview
Felix Grimminger
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft and New York University