This is a driver for Analog Devices ADE7953.
Communication over I2C and SPI is supported, with I2C enabled by default. Bus support can be selected/deselected using defines:
The ADE7953 is a high accuracy electrical energy measurement IC intended for single phase applications. It measures line voltage and current and calculates active, reactive, and apparent energy, as well as instantaneous RMS voltage and current.
#include "mgos.h"
#include "mgos_ade7953.h"
static void ade7953_cb (void *user_data) {
struct mgos_ade7953 *ade = (struct mgos_ade7953 *) user_data;
float f = 0, v = 0, ia = 0, ib = 0, aea = 0, aeb = 0, apa = 0, apb = 0;
if (!ade) return;
mgos_ade7953_get_frequency(ade, &f);
mgos_ade7953_get_voltage(ade, &v);
mgos_ade7953_get_current(ade, 0, &ia);
mgos_ade7953_get_current(ade, 1, &ib);
mgos_ade7953_get_apower(ade, 0, &apa);
mgos_ade7953_get_apower(ade, 1, &apb);
mgos_ade7953_get_aenergy(ade, 0, false /* reset */, &aea);
mgos_ade7953_get_aenergy(ade, 1, false /* reset */, &aeb);
LOG(LL_INFO, ("V=%.3fV f=%.2fHz | IA=%.3fA VIA=%.3f APA=%.3f AEA=%.3f | IB=%.3fA VIB=%.3f APB=%.3f AEB=%.3f",
v, f, ia, (v * ia), apa, aea, ib, (v * ib), apb, aeb));
enum mgos_app_init_result mgos_app_init(void) {
struct mgos_ade7953 *ade;
// These constants are specific to the specific application circuit.
const struct mgos_config_ade7953 ade_cfg = {
.voltage_scale = .0000382602,
.voltage_offset = -0.068,
.current_scale_0 = 0.00000949523,
.current_scale_1 = 0.00000949523,
.current_offset_0 = -0.017,
.current_offset_1 = -0.017,
.apower_scale_0 = (1 / 164.0),
.apower_scale_1 = (1 / 164.0),
.aenergy_scale_0 = (1 / 25240.0),
.aenergy_scale_1 = (1 / 25240.0),
.voltage_pga_gain = MGOS_ADE7953_PGA_GAIN_1,
.current_pga_gain_0 = MGOS_ADE7953_PGA_GAIN_8,
.current_pga_gain_1 = MGOS_ADE7953_PGA_GAIN_8,
if (!(ade = mgos_ade7953_create(mgos_i2c_get_global(), &ade_cfg))) {
return false;
mgos_set_timer(1000, true, ade7953_cb, ade);