- Boom, Belgium
- [email protected]
- %PhoneNumber%
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Computer Science graduate with a passion for RustLang and computer graphics.
KULeuven: Master of Engineering: Computer Science 2020 - 2023
master's thesis: Homeomorphically irreducible spanning trees in planar graphs
- histg: C program to determine all HISTs of a graph
- graphdrs: Rust tool to draw graphs and visualise the HISTs of that graph
KULeuven: Bachelor of Science: Informatics 2017 - 2020
- DSpace Digital Repository development
- Java (Spring) REST backend development
- Typescript (Angular) frontend development
- Unix server deployment & management
- Implemented a panorama/3D video viewer for the browser using the WebXR Device API
- Improved the existing WebVR implementation
- Optimised the performance of both implementations using browser specific techniques for Chrome, Firefox and Safari
- Server management, multiple websites both user facing and organisational tools
- WebDev of said websites, including the QR-code based system used at the Jobfair
- Network installation for corporate events & student activities
- IT Support at home
Languages: Dutch - Native, English - Proficient, French - Basic
Progamming Languages: Java, Type/Javascript, Rust, C, C++, Python
Tools: Git, VSC, JetBrains IDEs, Bash, Unix CLI