New traits will be indicated with a carat (^) and are linked to their explanation.
Level 8; Price 500 gp; AC Bonus +1; Speed Penalty -
Bulk L; Hardness 10; Traits Uncommon, Force, Powered^, Tech^
Capacity 20; Craft DC 27
When inactive the hard light shield is a bulky wristband that provides no bonuses to AC.
Activate (1 action) Raise a Shield; Power Use 1 charge; Effect You activate the hard light shield until the start of your next turn, granting you a +1 circumstance bonus to AC but doesn't require a free hand to use. While active you may use the Shield Block reaction, after which the shield deactivates immediately.
Level 5; Price 120 gp; AC Bonus +2; Dex Cap +2; Check Penalty -2; Speed Penalty -5 feet;
Category Medium; Strength 14; Bulk L; Group Tech; Traits Rare, Consumable, Powered^, Tech^
Capacity 10; Power Use 1 charge/hour; Craft DC 30
Before activation, a panic suit is a fist-sized plastic sphere.
Activate (reaction) Interact; Effect The sphere envelopes the creature holding it in a full-body protective suit. While activated, it provides immunity to low radiation and resistance 5 against all forms of energy except sonic damage. Its air filters grant a +2 status bonus on saving throws against inhaled poisons and diseases.
A panic suit is a single-use item. When its charges run out or its wearer deactivates it, it falls apart into useless fragments.
Level 8; Price 700 gp; AC Bonus +1; Dex Cap: +4; Check Penalty -1; Speed Penalty - ;
Category Light; Strength 10; Bulk 1; Group Tech; Traits Uncommon, Powered^, Tech^
Capacity 24; Craft DC 29
Activate (2 actions) Interact; Power Use 1 charge; Duration 10 minutes; Effect The suit diffuses and blurs light reflected from its surface. The suit's wearer is considered concealed to beam attacks and effects.
Level 16; Price 12,500 gp; AC Bonus +7; Dex Cap: +0; Check Penalty -3; Speed Penalty -10 ft;
Category Heavy; Strength 18; Bulk 4; Group Tech; Traits Rare, Powered^, Tech^
Capacity 25; Power Use 1 charge/hour; Craft DC 30
While powered a spacesuit's wearer gains resistance 10 to all forms of energy damage except sonic and becomes immune to all inhaled poisons and diseases, all levels of radiation and exposure to vacuum. Additionally it grants the wearer a fly speed of 20ft in areas of zero gravity.