Observes Semantic Versioning standard and Keep a Changelog convention.
3.1.0 - 07-21-2024
- support for the new gpt4o mini model in gpt commands and made it the default model
3.0.2 - 07-16-2024
- bug where custom slash commands would return error due to emoji map issues
3.0.1 - 07-16-2024
- updated modelizer to version 3.0.11
- slash command error output is more descriptive
- log downloading for non linux operating systems
- bug where empty prompts would print "**" when bold was true
3.0.0 - 07-12-2024
- support for python 3.12
- unit tests
- updated modelizer to version 3.0.9
- updated and pinned openai to version 1.35.5
- includes various updates to the included slash commands
- updated DiscordChatExporter to version 2.43.3
- refactor/optimization/general cleanup of code
- improved dev environment
- updated some cli args
- updated some cli help strings
- updated config handling
- support for python 3.8
- token usage tracking for /chatgpt command
2.0.1 - 06-15-2023
- updated documentation
- updated modelizer to version 2.0.0
2.0.0 - 06-15-2023
- a changelog
- an OpenAI image generation command
- the gpt3.5 model to the openai command and made it the default
- a chatGPT command with chat history functionality
- custom emoji support for custom models.
- upgrading the packaged executable version now properly applies any new features to existing, non-custom cogs
- bug where two stars would appear for blank prompts for custom model completions
- made prompt bolding for custom model completions a Discord command parameter
- updated modelizer to version 2.0.0
1.3.2 - 02-22-2023
- updated modelizer to version 1.2.2
1.3.1 - 02-19-2023
- updated modelizer to version 1.2.1
1.3.0 - 02-17-2023
- CLI option to bolden the prompt for custom model completions
- CLI option to set the thought time
- CLI option to set the min and max thought length
- CLI option to only output the events for the job status
- updated modelizer to version 1.2.0
1.2.1 - 02-12-2023
- option to provide a different openai key to the customai command
1.2.0 - 02-11-2023
- updated modelizer to version 1.1.0
1.1.1 - 02-11-2023
- pinned modelizer to version 1.1.0
- switched from using
1.1.0 - 01-29-2023
- modified readme