diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
index 95f2032..67c3414 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.rst
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -7,6 +7,14 @@ Change Log
+* refactor of cleanup.py to get info about accepted workflow versions and run times from db and remove hard coded array
+* updated find_and_release notebook to utilize this - not backward compatible
+* corrected small bug in delete_wfr function that failed to cleanup errored or duplicated workflow runs on user submitted files as they are not outputs of wfrs
diff --git a/functions/cleanup.py b/functions/cleanup.py
index 78a9542..34afba9 100644
--- a/functions/cleanup.py
+++ b/functions/cleanup.py
@@ -1,63 +1,33 @@
 from dcicutils import ff_utils
 from datetime import datetime
-# accepted workflows
-# workflow name, accepted revision numbers (0 if none), accetable run time (hours)
-workflow_details = [
-    # TODO: take this info from foursight
-    # common ones
-    ['md5', ['0.0.4', '0.2.6'], 12],
-    ['fastqc-0-11-4-1', ['0.2.0'], 50],
-    ['fastqc', ['v1', 'v2'], 50],
-    # 4dn ones
-    ['bwa-mem', ['0.2.6'], 50],
-    ['pairsqc-single', ['0.2.5', '0.2.6'], 100],
-    ['hi-c-processing-bam', ['0.2.6'], 50],
-    ['hi-c-processing-pairs', ['0.2.6', '0.2.7'], 200],
-    ['hi-c-processing-pairs-nore', ['0.2.6'], 200],
-    ['hi-c-processing-pairs-nonorm', ['0.2.6'], 200],
-    ['hi-c-processing-pairs-nore-nonorm', ['0.2.6'], 200],
-    ['imargi-processing-fastq', ["1.1.1_dcic_4"], 200],
-    ['imargi-processing-bam', ["1.1.1_dcic_4"], 200],
-    ['imargi-processing-pairs', ["1.1.1_dcic_4"], 200],
-    ['repliseq-parta', ['v13.1', 'v14', 'v16', 'v16.1'], 200],
-    ['bedGraphToBigWig', ['v4'], 24],
-    ['bedtobeddb', ['v2', 'v3'], 24],
-    ['encode-chipseq-aln-chip', ['1.1.1', '2.1.6'], 200],
-    ['encode-chipseq-aln-ctl', ['1.1.1','2.1.6'], 200],
-    ['encode-chipseq-postaln', ['1.1.1','2.1.6'], 200],
-    ['encode-atacseq-aln', ['1.1.1'], 200],
-    ['encode-atacseq-postaln', ['1.1.1'], 200],
-    ['mergebed', ['v1'], 200],
-    ['merge-fastq', ['v1'], 200],
-    ['bamqc', ['v2', 'v3'], 200],
-    ['encode-rnaseq-stranded', ['1.1'], 200],
-    ['encode-rnaseq-unstranded', ['1.1'], 200],
-    ['rna-strandedness', ['v2'], 200],
-    ['fastq-first-line', ['v2'], 200],
-    ['re_checker_workflow', ['v1.1', 'v1.2'], 200],
-    ['mad_qc_workflow', ['1.1_dcic_2'], 200],
-    ['insulation-scores-and-boundaries-caller', ['v1'], 200],
-    ['compartments-caller', ['v1.2'], 200],
-    ['mcoolQC', ['v1'], 200],
-    # cgap ones
-    ['workflow_bwa-mem_no_unzip-check', ['v9', 'v10', 'v11', 'v12', 'v13'], 48],
-    ['workflow_add-readgroups-check', ['v9', 'v10', 'v11', 'v12', 'v13'], 12],
-    ['workflow_merge-bam-check', ['v9', 'v10', 'v11', 'v12', 'v13'], 12],
-    ['workflow_picard-MarkDuplicates-check', ['v9', 'v10', 'v11', 'v12', 'v13'], 12],
-    ['workflow_sort-bam-check', ['v9', 'v10', 'v11', 'v12', 'v13'], 12],
-    ['workflow_gatk-BaseRecalibrator', ['v9', 'v10', 'v11', 'v12', 'v13'], 12],
-    ['workflow_gatk-ApplyBQSR-check', ['v9', 'v10', 'v11', 'v12', 'v13'], 12],
-    ['workflow_index-sorted-bam', ['v9'], 12],
-    ['workflow_gatk-HaplotypeCaller', ['v10', 'v11', 'v12', 'v13'], 12],
-    ['workflow_gatk-CombineGVCFs', ['v10', 'v11', 'v12', 'v13'], 12],
-    ['workflow_gatk-GenotypeGVCFs-check', ['v10', 'v11', 'v12', 'v13'], 12],
-    ['workflow_gatk-VQSR-check', ['v10', 'v11', 'v12', 'v13'], 12],
-    ['workflow_qcboard-bam', ['v9'], 12],
-    ['workflow_cram2fastq', ['v12', 'v13'], 12],
-workflow_names = [i[0] for i in workflow_details]
+# function to get workflow_details info from db
+# initial datastructure that is the same as that to get info for foursight is transformed
+# into the format used in the cleanup functions
+# workflow name, accepted revision numbers (0 if none), accetable run time (hours)
+def get_workflow_details(my_auth):
+    wf_details = {}
+    wf_query = "search/?type=Workflow&tags=current&tags=accepted&field=max_runtime" \
+        "&app_name!=No value&app_version!=No value&field=app_name&field=app_version"
+    workflows = ff_utils.search_metadata(wf_query, my_auth)
+    for wf in workflows:
+        app_name = wf.get('app_name')
+        app_version = wf.get('app_version')
+        run_time = wf.get('max_runtime', 0)
+        wf_details.setdefault(app_name, {})
+        wf_details[app_name].setdefault('accepted_versions', []).append(app_version)
+        wf_details[app_name].setdefault('run_time', run_time)
+        # for unexpected case of different wf items with same app_name having
+        # different run times - use max value
+        if run_time > wf_details[app_name].get('run_time'):
+            wf_details[app_name]['run_time'] = run_time
+    # here is the transformation
+    # workflow_details = []
+    # for wfname, wf_info in wf_details.items():
+    #    workflow_details.append((wfname, wf_info.get('accepted_versions'), [], wf_info.get('run_time')))
+    return [(wfname, wf_details[wfname].get('accepted_versions', []), wf_details[wfname].get('run_time'))
+            for wfname in wf_details.keys()]
 def fetch_pf_associated(pf_id_or_dict, my_key):
@@ -116,7 +86,7 @@ def get_wfr_report(wfrs):
         # skip all style awsem runs
             wfr_type_base, wfr_version = wfr_type.strip().split(' ')
-        except:
+        except Exception:
         time_info = time_info.strip('on').strip()
@@ -124,11 +94,6 @@ def get_wfr_report(wfrs):
         except ValueError:
             wfr_time = datetime.strptime(time_info, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
         run_hours = (datetime.utcnow() - wfr_time).total_seconds() / 3600
-        # try:
-        #     wfr_time = datetime.strptime(wfr_data['date_created'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f+00:00')
-        # except ValueError:  # if it was exact second, no fraction is in value
-        #     print("wfr time bingo", wfr_uuid)
-        #     wfr_time = datetime.strptime(wfr_data['date_created'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00')
         output_files = wfr_data.get('output_files', None)
         output_uuids = []
         qc_uuids = []
@@ -158,7 +123,7 @@ def get_wfr_report(wfrs):
     return wfr_report
-def delete_wfrs(file_resp, my_key, delete=False, stash=None):
+def delete_wfrs(file_resp, my_key, workflow_details, delete=False, stash=None):
     # file_resp in embedded frame
     # stash: all related wfrs for file_resp
     deleted_wfrs = []  # reports WorkflowRun items deleted by this function
@@ -170,16 +135,13 @@ def delete_wfrs(file_resp, my_key, delete=False, stash=None):
     # do not delete output wfrs of control files
     output_wfrs = file_resp.get('workflow_run_outputs')
     if not output_wfrs:
-        if file_type == 'files-processed':
-            # user submtted processed files
-            return
-        else:
-            # raw files:
-            pass
+        # user submitted and raw files generally lack wfr_outputs but they can still have
+        # duplicate and errored runs so changed return (for file_processed) to pass for all
+        pass
         output_wfr = output_wfrs[0]
         wfr_type, _ = output_wfr['display_title'].split(' run ')
-        if wfr_type in ['encode-chipseq-aln-ctl 1.1.1', 'encode-chipseq-aln-ctl 2.1.6'] :
+        if wfr_type in ['encode-chipseq-aln-ctl 1.1.1', 'encode-chipseq-aln-ctl 2.1.6']:
             print('skipping control file for wfr check', file_resp['accession'])
@@ -221,6 +183,7 @@ def _delete_action(wfr_to_del):
+    workflow_names = [wfinfo[0] for wfinfo in workflow_details]
     if file_resp['status'] == 'deleted':
         if file_resp.get('quality_metric'):
             if delete:
diff --git a/functions/wfr_settings.py b/functions/wfr_settings.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e3a7167..0000000
--- a/functions/wfr_settings.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-# Step Settings
-def step_settings(step_name, my_organism, attribution, params={}):
-    """Return a setting dict for given step, and modify variables in
-    output files; genome assembly, file_type, desc, contributing lab."""
-    genome = ""
-    mapper = {'human': 'GRCh38', 'mouse': 'GRCm38', 'fruit-fly': 'dm6', 'chicken': 'galGal5'}
-    genome = mapper.get(my_organism)
-    out_n = "This is an output file of the Hi-C processing pipeline"
-    int_n = "This is an intermediate file in the HiC processing pipeline"
-    out_n_rep = "This is an output file of the RepliSeq processing pipeline"
-    # int_n_rep = "This is an intermediate file in the Repliseq processing pipeline"
-    wf_dict = [
-        {
-            'wf_name': 'md5',
-            'wf_uuid': 'c77a117b-9a58-477e-aaa5-291a109a99f6',
-            'parameters': {}
-        },
-        {
-            'wf_name': 'fastqc-0-11-4-1',
-            'wf_uuid': '2324ad76-ff37-4157-8bcc-3ce72b7dace9',
-            'parameters': {}
-        },
-        {
-            'wf_name': 'bwa-mem',
-            'wf_uuid': '3feedadc-50f9-4bb4-919b-09a8b731d0cc',
-            'parameters': {"nThreads": 16},
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'out_bam': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'intermediate file',
-                    'description': int_n}
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            'wf_name': 'hi-c-processing-bam',
-            'wf_uuid': '023bfb3e-9a8b-42b9-a9d4-216079526f68',
-            'parameters': {"nthreads_merge": 16, "nthreads_parse_sort": 16},
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'annotated_bam': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'alignment',
-                    'description': out_n},
-                'filtered_pairs': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'contact list-replicate',
-                    'description': out_n}
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            'wf_name': 'hi-c-processing-pairs',
-            'wf_uuid': '4dn-dcic-lab:wf-hi-c-processing-pairs-0.2.7',
-            'parameters': {"nthreads": 4,
-                           "maxmem": "32g",
-                           "max_split_cooler": 10,
-                           "no_balance": False
-                           },
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'hic': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'contact matrix',
-                    'description': out_n},
-                'mcool': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'contact matrix',
-                    'description': out_n},
-                'merged_pairs': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'contact list-combined',
-                    'description': out_n}
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            'wf_name': 'repliseq-parta',
-            'workflow_uuid': '4dn-dcic-lab:wf-repliseq-parta-v16.1',
-            "parameters": {"nthreads": 4, "memperthread": "2G"},
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'filtered_sorted_deduped_bam': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'alignments',
-                    'description': 'This is an output file of the RepliSeq processing pipeline'},
-                'count_bg_rpkm': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'normalized counts',
-                    'description': 'read counts, unfiltered RPKM'},
-                'count_bg': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'counts',
-                    'description': 'read counts, unfiltered, unnormalized'}
-            }
-        },  
-        {
-            "wf_name": "bedGraphToBigWig",
-            "wf_uuid": "667b14a7-a47e-4857-adf1-12a6393c4b8e",
-            "parameters": {},
-            "config": {
-                "instance_type": "t2.micro",
-                "EBS_optimized": False,
-                "ebs_size": 10,
-                "ebs_type": "gp2",
-                "json_bucket": "4dn-aws-pipeline-run-json",
-                "ebs_iops": "",
-                "shutdown_min": "now",
-                "password": "",
-                "log_bucket": "tibanna-output",
-                "key_name": "4dn-encode"
-            },
-            "overwrite_input_extra": False
-        },
-        {
-            "wf_name": "bedtobeddb",
-            "wf_uuid": "9d575e99-5ffe-4ea4-b74f-ad40f621cd39",
-            "parameters": {},
-            "config": {
-                "instance_type": "m3.2xlarge",
-                "EBS_optimized": False,
-                "ebs_size": 10,
-                "ebs_type": "gp2",
-                "json_bucket": "4dn-aws-pipeline-run-json",
-                "ebs_iops": "",
-                "shutdown_min": "now",
-                "password": "",
-                "log_bucket": "tibanna-output",
-                "key_name": "4dn-encode"
-            },
-            "overwrite_input_extra": False
-        },
-        {
-            "wf_name": "encode-chipseq-aln-chip",
-            "wf_uuid": "4dn-dcic-lab:wf-encode-chipseq-aln-chip",
-            "parameters": {},
-            "config": {
-                       "ebs_size": 0,
-                       "ebs_type": "gp2",
-                       "json_bucket": "4dn-aws-pipeline-run-json",
-                       "EBS_optimized": "",
-                       "ebs_iops": "",
-                       "shutdown_min": "now",
-                       "instance_type": "",
-                       "password": "",
-                       "log_bucket": "tibanna-output",
-                       "key_name": "",
-                       "cloudwatch_dashboard": True
-            },
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'chip.first_ta': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'read positions',
-                    'description': 'Positions of aligned reads in bed format, one line per read mate, for control experiment, from ENCODE ChIP-Seq Pipeline'},
-                'chip.first_ta_xcor': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'intermediate file',
-                    'description': 'Counts file used only for QC'}
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "wf_name": "encode-chipseq-aln-ctl",
-            "wf_uuid": "4dn-dcic-lab:wf-encode-chipseq-aln-ctl",
-            "parameters": {},
-            "config": {
-                "ebs_size": 0,
-                "ebs_type": "gp2",
-                "json_bucket": "4dn-aws-pipeline-run-json",
-                "EBS_optimized": "",
-                "ebs_iops": "",
-                "shutdown_min": 'now',
-                "instance_type": "",
-                "password": "",
-                "log_bucket": "tibanna-output",
-                "key_name": "",
-                "cloudwatch_dashboard": True
-            },
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'chip.first_ta_ctl': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'read positions',
-                    'description': 'Positions of aligned reads in bed format, one line per read mate, for control experiment, from ENCODE ChIP-Seq Pipeline'}
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "wf_name": "encode-chipseq-postaln",
-            "wf_uuid": "4dn-dcic-lab:wf-encode-chipseq-postaln",
-            "parameters": {},
-            "config": {
-                "ebs_size": 0,
-                "ebs_type": "gp2",
-                "json_bucket": "4dn-aws-pipeline-run-json",
-                "EBS_optimized": "",
-                "ebs_iops": "",
-                "shutdown_min": "now",
-                "instance_type": "",
-                "password": "",
-                "log_bucket": "tibanna-output",
-                "key_name": "",
-                "cloudwatch_dashboard": True
-            },
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'chip.optimal_peak': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'peaks',
-                    'description': 'Peak calls from ENCODE ChIP-Seq Pipeline'},
-                'chip.conservative_peak': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'conservative peaks',
-                    'description': 'Conservative peak calls from ENCODE ChIP-Seq Pipeline'},
-                'chip.sig_fc': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'signal fold change',
-                    'description': 'ChIP-seq signal fold change over input control'}
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "wf_name": "encode-atacseq-aln",
-            "wf_uuid": "4dn-dcic-lab:wf-encode-atacseq-aln",
-            "parameters": {},
-            "config": {
-                "ebs_size": 0,
-                "ebs_type": "gp2",
-                "json_bucket": "4dn-aws-pipeline-run-json",
-                "EBS_optimized": "",
-                "ebs_iops": "",
-                "shutdown_min": 'now',
-                "instance_type": "",
-                "password": "",
-                "log_bucket": "tibanna-output",
-                "key_name": "",
-                "cloudwatch_dashboard": True
-            },
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'atac.first_ta': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'read positions',
-                    'description': 'Positions of aligned reads in bed format, one line per read mate, from ENCODE ATAC-Seq Pipeline'}
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "wf_name": "encode-atacseq-postaln",
-            "wf_uuid": "4dn-dcic-lab:wf-encode-atacseq-postaln",
-            "parameters": {},
-            "config": {
-                "ebs_size": 0,
-                "ebs_type": "gp2",
-                "json_bucket": "4dn-aws-pipeline-run-json",
-                "EBS_optimized": "",
-                "ebs_iops": "",
-                "shutdown_min": "now",
-                "instance_type": "",
-                "password": "",
-                "log_bucket": "tibanna-output",
-                "key_name": "",
-                "cloudwatch_dashboard": True
-            },
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'atac.optimal_peak': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'peaks',
-                    'description': 'Peak calls from ENCODE ATAC-Seq Pipeline'},
-                'atac.conservative_peak': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'conservative peaks',
-                    'description': 'Conservative peak calls from ENCODE ATAC-Seq Pipeline'},
-                'atac.sig_fc': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'signal fold change',
-                    'description': 'ATAC-seq signal fold change'}
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "wf_name": "mergebed",
-            "wf_uuid": "2b10e472-065e-43ed-992c-fccad6417b65",
-            "parameters": {"sortv": "0"},
-            "config": {
-                "ebs_size": 0,
-                "ebs_type": "gp2",
-                "json_bucket": "4dn-aws-pipeline-run-json",
-                "EBS_optimized": "",
-                "ebs_iops": "",
-                "shutdown_min": "now",
-                "instance_type": "",
-                "password": "",
-                "log_bucket": "tibanna-output",
-                "key_name": "",
-                "cloudwatch_dashboard": True
-            },
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'merged_bed': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'read positions',
-                    'description': 'Merged file, positions of aligned reads in bed format, one line per read mate'}
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "app_name": "insulation-scores-and-boundaries-caller",
-            "workflow_uuid": "dc9efc2d-baa5-4304-b72b-14610d8d5fc4",
-            "parameters": {"binsize": -1, "windowsize": 100000},
-            "config": {'mem': 32},
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'bwfile': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'insulation score-diamond',
-                    'description': 'Diamond insulation scores calls on Hi-C contact matrices'},
-                'bedfile': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'boundaries',
-                    'description': 'Boundaries calls on Hi-C contact matrices'}
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "app_name": "compartments-caller",
-            "workflow_uuid": "d07fa5d4-8721-403e-89b5-e8f323ac9ece",
-            "parameters": {"binsize": 250000, "contact_type": "cis"},
-            "config": {'mem': 4, 'cpu': 1, 'ebs_size': '1.1x', 'EBS_optimized': 'false'},
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'bwfile': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'compartments',
-                    'description': 'Compartments signals on Hi-C contact matrices'}
-            },
-        },
-        {
-            "app_name": "rna-strandedness",
-            "workflow_uuid": "af97597e-877a-40b7-b211-98ec0cfb17b4",
-            'config': {'mem': 2, 'cpu': 2, "instance_type": "t3.small", 'ebs_size': '1.1x', 'EBS_optimized': 'false'}
-        },
-        # RNA SEQ
-        {
-            "app_name": "encode-rnaseq-stranded",
-            "workflow_uuid": "4dn-dcic-lab:wf-encode-rnaseq-stranded",
-            "parameters": {
-                'rna.strandedness': 'stranded',
-                'rna.strandedness_direction': '',
-                'rna.endedness': ''
-            },
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'rna.outbam': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'read positions',
-                    'description': 'Output file from RNA seq pipeline'
-                },
-                'rna.plusbw': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'read counts (plus)',
-                    'description': 'Output file from RNA seq pipeline'
-                },
-                'rna.minusbw': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'read counts (minus)',
-                    'description': 'Output file from RNA seq pipeline'
-                },
-                'rna.gene_expression': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'gene expression',
-                    'description': 'Output file from RNA seq pipeline'
-                },
-                'rna.isoform_expression': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'isoform expression',
-                    'description': 'Output file from RNA seq pipeline'
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "app_name": "encode-rnaseq-unstranded",
-            "workflow_uuid": "4dn-dcic-lab:wf-encode-rnaseq-unstranded",
-            "parameters": {
-                'rna.strandedness': 'unstranded',
-                'rna.strandedness_direction': 'unstranded',
-                'rna.endedness': 'paired'
-            },
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                'rna.outbam': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'read positions',
-                    'description': 'Output file from RNA seq pipeline'
-                },
-                'rna.outbw': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'read counts',
-                    'description': 'Output file from RNA seq pipeline'
-                },
-                'rna.gene_expression': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'gene expression',
-                    'description': 'Output file from RNA seq pipeline'
-                },
-                'rna.isoform_expression': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': 'isoform expression',
-                    'description': 'Output file from RNA seq pipeline'
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "app_name": "bamqc",
-            "workflow_uuid": "42683ab1-59bf-4ec5-a973-030053a134f1",
-            "overwrite_input_extra": False,
-            "config": {"ebs_size": 10}
-        },
-        {
-            "app_name": "fastq-first-line",
-            "workflow_uuid": "93a1a931-d55d-4623-adfb-0fa735daf6ae",
-            "overwrite_input_extra": False,
-            'config': {'mem': 2, 'cpu': 2, "instance_type": "t3.small"}
-        },
-        {
-            "app_name": "re_checker_workflow",
-            "workflow_uuid": "8479d16e-667a-41e9-8ace-391128f50dc5",
-            "parameters": {},
-            "config": {
-                "mem": 4,
-                "ebs_size": 10,
-                "instance_type": "t3.medium"
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "app_name": "mad_qc_workflow",
-            "workflow_uuid": "4dba38f0-af7a-4432-88e4-ca804dea64f8",
-            "parameters": {},
-            "config": {"ebs_size": 10, "instance_type": "t3.medium"}
-        },
-        {
-            "app_name": "mcoolQC",
-            "workflow_uuid": "0bf9f47a-dec1-4324-9b41-fa183880a7db",
-            "overwrite_input_extra": False,
-            "config": {"ebs_size": 10, "instance_type": "c5ad.2xlarge"}
-        },
-        # temp
-        {
-            "app_name": "",
-            "workflow_uuid": "",
-            "parameters": {},
-            'custom_pf_fields': {
-                '': {
-                    'genome_assembly': genome,
-                    'file_type': '',
-                    'description': ''}
-            }
-        }
-    ]
-    # if params, overwrite parameters
-    template = [i for i in wf_dict if i['wf_name'] == step_name][0]
-    if params:
-        template['parameters'] = params
-    if template.get('custom_pf_fields'):
-        for a_file in template['custom_pf_fields']:
-            template['custom_pf_fields'][a_file].update(attribution)
-    template['wfr_meta'] = attribution
-    return template
diff --git a/notebooks/useful_notebooks/01_find_and_release.ipynb b/notebooks/useful_notebooks/01_find_and_release.ipynb
index 208c397..c472ee2 100644
--- a/notebooks/useful_notebooks/01_find_and_release.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/useful_notebooks/01_find_and_release.ipynb
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
    "source": [
     "from dcicutils import ff_utils\n",
     "from functions.notebook_functions import *\n",
-    "from functions.cleanup import *\n",
+    "from functions.cleanup import get_workflow_details, delete_wfrs\n",
     "import time\n",
     "# status mapping for ordering purposes\n",
@@ -195,6 +195,12 @@
     "# do you want to check for duplicate/problematic runs on files?\n",
     "# it will take some time\n",
     "check_wfrs = True\n",
+    "# get workflow_details in format to use in these checks\n",
+    "# NOTE: this format is different than that used in foursight\n",
+    "wf_details = None\n",
+    "if check_wfrs:\n",
+    "    wf_details = get_workflow_details(my_auth)\n",
+    "\n",
     "# if any are found do you want to remove them?\n",
     "delete_problematic = False\n",
@@ -251,7 +257,7 @@
     "    if not a_file.get('md5sum'):\n",
     "        print(a_file['accession'], 'md5 was not calculated during upload, missing md5sum')\n",
     "    if check_wfrs:\n",
-    "        new_deleted_items = delete_wfrs(a_file, my_auth, delete=delete_problematic, stash=stash)\n",
+    "        new_deleted_items = delete_wfrs(a_file, my_auth, wf_details, delete=delete_problematic, stash=stash)\n",
     "        if new_deleted_items:\n",
     "            deleted_items.extend(new_deleted_items)\n",
@@ -286,7 +292,7 @@
     "        if not a_file.get('source_experiments'):\n",
     "            print(a_file['accession'], 'user submitted or produced by sbg runs')\n",
     "        if check_wfrs:\n",
-    "            new_deleted_items = delete_wfrs(a_file, my_auth, delete=delete_problematic, stash=stash)\n",
+    "            new_deleted_items = delete_wfrs(a_file, my_auth, wf_details, delete=delete_problematic, stash=stash)\n",
     "            if new_deleted_items:\n",
     "                deleted_items.extend(new_deleted_items)\n",
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index f13c9a9..3a50557 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name = "dcicwrangling"
-version = "3.1.1"
+version = "3.2.0"
 description = "Scripts and Jupyter notebooks for 4DN wrangling"
 authors = ["4DN-DCIC Team <support@4dnucleome.org>"]
 license = "MIT"