This document explains the different modules in TiefVision and how to use them. Even though it's developer oriented, it can also be used as a user manual.
The current mandatory requirements to make TiefVision work are the following:
- Development machine with an nVidia CUDA graphics card. Note that there so far no will to remove this requirement. I might move it to OpenCL at the time Torch fully supports it for all neural network layers, it performs as fast as CUDA and it's really mature.
- Linux OS ( other Unix-like OSs should also work)
- Latest version of Torch
- Compatible Java Development Kit 8 (recommended Oracle (Copyright) JDK )
- A database server. H2 is implemented, but postgresql can easily used instead
Once your machine is set up with all the required software and hardware, you'll have to follow these steps:
- Clone TiefVision GIT repository:
git clone [email protected]:paucarre/tiefvision.git
- Create the TIEFVISION_HOME envrionment variable pointing to your cloned repository and add it into your bash profile.
TiefVision uses a database to store data regarding bounding boxes in images and also similarities between images. TiefVision has an easy to run H2 docker image that can be built and run via $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/h2/service. TiefVision's can be configured to use another database, like postgresql. Just change *slick.dbs.bounding_box. ** from $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/scala/tiefvision-web/conf/application.conf.
To encode images TiefVision uses an already trained AlexNet-like neural network. The AlexNet network is split between the convolutional side and the fully connected side. The last max pooling layer of the convolutional side is reduce to a step size of one to increase spatial resolution. The images are encoded using the convolutional side.
To split the network you have to follow these steps:
cd $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/torch/1-split-encoder-classifier
luajit split-encoder-classifier.lua
The first step in TiefVision is to detect where in the image you target object is located. For example, in the case of a dress style search engine, what we would be interested is on predicting the top-left and bottom-right corners of the bounding box that encompasses the dress. For a face search engine, you would a network able to detect the bounding box that encompasses the face in the image.
First off, you'll have to first download a set of images and place them in <$TIEFVISION_HOME>/resources/dresses-db/master. There shouldn't be any major constraint regarding the image format but it's only tested with JPG and therefore that's the only supported format.
Keep in mind that the file name will identify the image and therefore it's wise to name the image using some sort of database identifier so you can later on keep track of the image and the product it's related to.
The next step is to create bounding boxes for those images. That's a pretty annoying task but at least with TiefVision you have a very basic web bounding box editor that'll make your life easier. To do that you'll have to start both the web server and also the database server.
To start the web server do the following:
cd $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/scala/tiefvision-web
activator run
To start the default database sever do the following:
$TIEFVISION_HOME/src/h2/service start
Once you are done open a web browser and open the bounding box endpoint. There you'll be able to create bounding boxes and store them into the database. Make sure after the your save the first bounding box that there is no error log in the web server console and that the entry is stored in the database by running the following SQL query:
This query must output the number of bounding boxes that are stored in the database. If the result of the query is zero and you are supposed to have saved a bounding box, there is a problem as nothing has been saved (check the logs!).
Once you have already tagged enough bounding boxes (say, around 1.000) you'll need to generate the training and the test set to train the neural network. That's something that TiefVision automatically does for you by opening the Bounding Box Test and Training endpoint. That endpoint will generate crops that have at least 50% of its area within the bounding box of the target object. It'll also generate training and test sets in such a way all the crops in the training set come from images that don't belong to the images from the test set crops.
The crops are generated in <$TIEFVISION_HOME>/resources/bounding-boxes/crops. The training set file is generated in <$TIEFVISION_HOME>/resources/bounding-boxes/TRAIN.txt and the test set in <$TIEFVISION_HOME>/resources/bounding-boxes/TEST.txt.
The next step is to encode each one of the crops by forwarding them throughout the encoder. On the other hand, the output is statistically normalized (substracted mean and divided by standard deviation). To encode the crops you'll have to do the following:
cd $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/torch/2-encode-bounding-box-training-and-test-images
luajit encode-training-and-test-images.lua
The next step is to train the four neural networks needed to detect the bounding box: top, left, bottom and right. To do it you'll have to do the following:
luajit train-regression-bounding-box.lua -index 1
luajit train-regression-bounding-box.lua -index 2
luajit train-regression-bounding-box.lua -index 3
luajit train-regression-bounding-box.lua -index 4
Finally, you can test the neural networks results by running:
luajit test-regression-bounding-box.lua
Given an image, you'll need to detect where the object is located in the image. To do that, you'll have to train a classification neural network to detect foreground (your object) and background (everything else but the object). For example, if you are trying to make image processing on dresses, the foreground will be the dress and the background the photo studio and the model's extremities (head, legs, arms).
For this step it's required to have the downloaded images and bounding boxes explained in Bounding Box Regression section.
The first task is to generate the train and test data which is something TiefVision automatically does by opening the Image Classification Test and Train dataset endpoint.
The next step is to encode all the crops for image classification:
cd $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/torch/4-encode-classification-train-and-test-images
luajit encode-training-and-test-images.lua
Once all the crops are encoded, you'll need to train a classification nerual network for the foreground and the background classes.
luajit train-classification.lua
The next stage is to detect the bounding box for all the images stored in <$TIEFVISION_HOME>/resources/dresses-db/master and generate the crops as new JPG files which are stored in <$TIEFVISION_HOME>/resources/dresses-db/bboxes/1 and its horizontally flipped versions in <$TIEFVISION_HOME>/resources/dresses-db/bboxes-flipped/1. The crops are generated with a fixed minimal dimension (width or height) of 224 which is the minimum dimension that the encoder can accept. For that run:
cd $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/torch/7-bboxes-images
luajit bboxes-images.lua
The following step is to encode each one of the cropped JPG files passing them throughout the encoder network:
cd $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/torch/8-similarity-db-cnn
luajit generate-similarity-db.lua
To generate a database with all the distances between all the pairs of images in the master folder you should do the following:
cd $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/torch/9-similarity-db
luajit similarity-db.lua
Once the database is generated, the images in master can be searched using that database using:
cd $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/torch/10-similarity-searcher-cnn-db
luajit search.lua <IMAGE_NAME_OF_AN_IMAGE_IN_$TIEFVISION_HOME/resources/dresses-db/master>
Deep Rank is a neural network that transforms the feature space of the images into another that is optimal for image similarity. The first step to train the neural is to generate a database of similar images:
- A reference image H
- An image H+ similar to H
- An image H- similar to H but not as similar as H+
Ideally, the training set should be one in which generate a wrong ordering when using an unsupervised approach: HxH+ < HxH-. The neural network NN should be one that generates a correct ordering: NN(H)xNN(H+) > NN(H)xNN(H-)
The first step is to generate database by using the Similarity Editor. The H (reference) image is the one in the top-center of the screen ('Image To Search'). Below there is a list of images. The user should first click on the image that will represent H+ which will be framed in blue. Afterwards the user should click on the image that will be H- which will be framed in red.
Once the database is generated the next step is to generate a training and a test set to train the neural network. That is done automatically in TiefVision using the image similarity train and test generator endpoint.
The next step is to train the neural network using a Hing loss criterion:
cd $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/torch/13-deeprank-train
luajit deeprank-train.lua
Finally it's necessary to do the same encoding and database generation procedure done for the unsupervised case in order to use it in the search engine.
- Encoding of the images into the new space generated by the trained neural network
cd $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/torch/14-deeprank-encoding
luajit deeprank-encoding.lua
- Generate database of similarity between each pair of images in the master folder
cd $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/torch/15-deeprank-db
luajit deeprank-db.lua
Once the database is generated, the images in master can be searched using that database using:
cd $TIEFVISION_HOME/src/torch/15-deeprank-searcher-db
luajit search.lua <IMAGE_NAME_OF_AN_IMAGE_IN_$TIEFVISION_HOME/resources/dresses-db/master>