The discv4
crate plays an important role in Reth, enabling discovery of other peers across the network. It is recommended to know how Kademlia distributed hash tables and Ethereum's node discovery protocol work before reading through this chapter. While all concepts will be explained through the following sections, reading through the links above will make understanding this chapter much easier! With that note out of the way, let's jump into discv4
As mentioned in the network and stages chapters, when the node is first started up, the node::Command::execute()
function is called, which initializes the node and starts to run the Reth pipeline. Throughout the initialization of the node, there are many processes that are started. One of the processes that is initialized is the p2p network which starts the node discovery protocol amongst other tasks.
File: bin/reth/src/node/
pub async fn execute(&self) -> eyre::Result<()> {
let network = self
info!(target: "reth::cli", peer_id = %network.peer_id(), local_addr = %network.local_addr(), "Connected to P2P network");
During this process, a new NetworkManager
is created through the NetworkManager::new()
function, which starts the discovery protocol through a handful of newly spawned tasks. Let's take a look at how this actually works under the hood.
File: crates/net/network/src/
impl<C> NetworkManager<C>
C: BlockReader,
pub async fn new(config: NetworkConfig<C>) -> Result<Self, NetworkError> {
let NetworkConfig {
mut discovery_v4_config,
} = config;
discovery_v4_config =|mut disc_config| {
// merge configured boot nodes
disc_config.add_eip868_pair("eth", status.forkid);
let discovery =
Discovery::new(discovery_addr, secret_key, discovery_v4_config, dns_discovery_config)
First, the NetworkConfig
is deconstructed and the disc_config
is updated to merge configured bootstrap nodes and add the forkid
to adhere to EIP 868. This updated configuration variable is then passed into the Discovery::new()
function. Note that Discovery
is a catch all for all discovery services, which include discv4, DNS discovery and others in the future.
File: crates/net/network/src/
impl Discovery {
/// Spawns the discovery service.
/// This will spawn the [`reth_discv4::Discv4Service`] onto a new task and establish a listener
/// channel to receive all discovered nodes.
pub async fn new(
discovery_addr: SocketAddr,
sk: SecretKey,
discv4_config: Option<Discv4Config>,
dns_discovery_config: Option<DnsDiscoveryConfig>,
) -> Result<Self, NetworkError> {
let local_enr = NodeRecord::from_secret_key(discovery_addr, &sk);
let (discv4, discv4_updates, _discv4_service) = if let Some(disc_config) = discv4_config {
let (discv4, mut discv4_service) =
Discv4::bind(discovery_addr, local_enr, sk, disc_config)
let discv4_updates = discv4_service.update_stream();
// spawn the service
let _discv4_service = discv4_service.spawn();
(Some(discv4), Some(discv4_updates), Some(_discv4_service))
} else {
(None, None, None)
// setup DNS discovery
let (_dns_discovery, dns_discovery_updates, _dns_disc_service) =
if let Some(dns_config) = dns_discovery_config {
let (mut service, dns_disc) = DnsDiscoveryService::new_pair(
let dns_discovery_updates = service.node_record_stream();
let dns_disc_service = service.spawn();
(Some(dns_disc), Some(dns_discovery_updates), Some(dns_disc_service))
} else {
(None, None, None)
Ok(Self {
discovered_nodes: Default::default(),
queued_events: Default::default(),
Within this function, the Ethereum Node Record is created. Participants in the discovery protocol are expected to maintain a node record (ENR) containing up-to-date information of different nodes in the network. All records must use the "v4" identity scheme. Other nodes may request the local record at any time by sending an "ENRRequest" packet.
The NodeRecord::from_secret_key()
takes the socket address used for discovery and the secret key. The secret key is used to derive a secp256k1
public key and the peer id is then derived from the public key. These values are then used to create an ENR. Ethereum Node Records are used to locate and communicate with other nodes in the network.
If the discv4_config
supplied to the Discovery::new()
function is None
, the discv4 service will not be spawned. In this case, no new peers will be discovered across the network. The node will have to rely on manually added peers. However, if the discv4_config
contains a Some(Discv4Config)
value, then the Discv4::bind()
function is called to bind to a new UdpSocket and create the disc_v4 service.
File: crates/net/discv4/src/
impl Discv4 {
pub async fn bind(
local_address: SocketAddr,
mut local_node_record: NodeRecord,
secret_key: SecretKey,
config: Discv4Config,
) -> io::Result<(Self, Discv4Service)> {
let socket = UdpSocket::bind(local_address).await?;
let local_addr = socket.local_addr()?;
local_node_record.udp_port = local_addr.port();
trace!(target: "discv4", ?local_addr,"opened UDP socket");
let (to_service, rx) = mpsc::channel(100);
let service =
Discv4Service::new(socket, local_addr, local_node_record, secret_key, config, Some(rx));
let discv4 = Discv4 { local_addr, to_service };
Ok((discv4, service))
To better understand what is actually happening when the disc_v4 service is created, let's take a deeper look at the Discv4Service::new()
File: crates/net/discv4/src/
impl Discv4Service {
/// Create a new instance for a bound [`UdpSocket`].
pub(crate) fn new(
socket: UdpSocket,
local_address: SocketAddr,
local_node_record: NodeRecord,
secret_key: SecretKey,
config: Discv4Config,
commands_rx: Option<mpsc::Receiver<Discv4Command>>,
) -> Self {
let socket = Arc::new(socket);
let (ingress_tx, ingress_rx) = mpsc::channel(config.udp_ingress_message_buffer);
let (egress_tx, egress_rx) = mpsc::channel(config.udp_egress_message_buffer);
let mut tasks = JoinSet::<()>::new();
let udp = Arc::clone(&socket);
tasks.spawn(async move { receive_loop(udp, ingress_tx, });
let udp = Arc::clone(&socket);
tasks.spawn(async move { send_loop(udp, egress_rx).await });
let kbuckets = KBucketsTable::new(
let self_lookup_interval = tokio::time::interval(config.lookup_interval);
// Wait `ping_interval` and then start pinging every `ping_interval`
let ping_interval = tokio::time::interval_at(
tokio::time::Instant::now() + config.ping_interval,
let evict_expired_requests_interval = tokio::time::interval_at(
tokio::time::Instant::now() + config.request_timeout,
First, new channels are initialized to handle incoming and outgoing traffic related to node discovery. New tasks are then spawned to handle the receive_loop()
and send_loop()
functions, which perpetually send incoming disc4 traffic to the ingress_rx
and outgoing discv4 traffic to the egress_rx
. Following this, a KBucketsTable
is initialized to keep track of the node's neighbors throughout the network. If you are unfamiliar with k-buckets, feel free to follow this link to learn more. Following this, the self_lookup_interval
, ping_interval
and evict_expired_requests_interval
are initialized which determines the interval used for periodically querying the network for new neighboring nodes with a low distance relative to ours, outgoing ping packets and the time elapsed to remove inactive neighbors from the node's records.
Once the Discv4Service::new()
function completes, allowing the Discv4::bind()
function to complete as well, the discv4_service
is then spawned into its own task and the Discovery::new()
function returns an new instance of Discovery
. The newly created Discovery
type is passed into the NetworkState::new()
function along with a few other arguments to initialize the network state. The network state is added to the NetworkManager
where the NetworkManager
is then spawned into its own task as well.
In Rust, the owner of a Future
is responsible for advancing the computation by polling the future. This is done by calling Future::poll
Let's take a detailed look at how Discv4Service::poll
works under the hood. This function has many moving parts, so we will break it up into smaller sections.
File: crates/net/discv4/src/
impl Discv4Service {
pub(crate) fn poll(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Discv4Event> {
loop {
// drain buffered events first
if let Some(event) = self.queued_events.pop_front() {
return Poll::Ready(event);
// trigger self lookup
if self.config.enable_lookup
&& !self.is_lookup_in_progress()
&& self.lookup_interval.poll_tick(cx).is_ready()
let target =;
self.lookup_with(target, None);
// evict expired nodes
if self.evict_expired_requests_interval.poll_tick(cx).is_ready() {
// re-ping some peers
if self.ping_interval.poll_tick(cx).is_ready() {
if let Some(Poll::Ready(Some(ip))) =
self.resolve_external_ip_interval.as_mut().map(|r| r.poll_tick(cx))
// --snip--
As the function starts, a loop
is entered and the Discv4Service.queued_events
are evaluated to see if there are any events ready to be processed. If there is an event ready, the function immediately returns the event wrapped in Poll::Ready()
. The queued_events
field is a VecDeque<Discv4Event>
where Discv4Event
is an enum containing one of the following variants.
File: crates/net/discv4/src/
pub enum Discv4Event {
/// A `Ping` message was handled.
/// A `Pong` message was handled.
/// A `FindNode` message was handled.
/// A `Neighbours` message was handled.
/// A `EnrRequest` message was handled.
/// A `EnrResponse` message was handled.
If there is not a Discv4Event
immediately ready, the function continues triggering self lookup, and removing any nodes that have not sent a ping request in the allowable time elapsed (now.duration_since(enr_request.sent_at) < Discv4Service.config.ping_expiration
). Additionally, the node re-pings all nodes whose endpoint proofs (explained below) are considered expired. If the node fails to respond to the "ping" with a "pong", the node will be removed from the KbucketsTable
To prevent traffic amplification attacks (ie. DNS attacks), implementations must verify that the sender of a query participates in the discovery protocol. The sender of a packet is considered verified if it has sent a valid Pong response with matching ping hash within the last 12 hours. This is called the "endpoint proof".
Next, the Discv4Service handles all incoming Discv4Command
s until there are no more commands to be processed. Following this, All IngressEvent
s are handled, which represent all incoming datagrams related to the discv4 protocol. After all events are handled, the node pings to active nodes in it's network. This process is repeated until all of the Discv4Event
s in queued_events
are processed.
In Reth, once a new NetworkState
is initialized as the node starts up and a new task is spawned to handle the network, the poll()
function is used to advance the state of the network.
File: crates/net/network/src/
impl<C> NetworkState<C>
C: BlockReader,
/// Advances the state
pub(crate) fn poll(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<StateAction> {
loop {
while let Poll::Ready(discovery) = self.discovery.poll(cx) {
Every time that the network is polled, the Discovery::poll()
is also called to handle all DiscoveryEvent
s ready to be processed. There are two types of DiscoveryEvent
s, DiscoveryEvent::Discovered
and DiscoveryEvent::EnrForkId
. If a new node is discovered, the new peer is added to the node's peers. If an ENR fork Id is received, the event is pushed to a queue of messages that will later be handled by the NetworkState
Let's recap everything that we covered. The discv4
crate enables the node to discover new peers across the network. When the node is started, a NetworkManager
is created which initializes a new Discovery
type, which initializes the Discv4Service
. When the Discv4Service
is polled, all Discv4Command
s, IngressEvent
s and DiscV4Event
s are handled until the queued_events
are empty. This process repeats every time the NetworkState
is polled to allow the node discover and communicate with new peers across the network.