- Ethereum Yellow Paper
- Ethereum Wiki - Safety
- Solidity Documentation
- EVM Awesome list
- Ethereum Design-Rationale
- Ethereum 2.0 Specifications
- SWC Registry: Smart Contract Weakness Classification and Test Cases
- Decentralized Application Security Project (or DASP) Top 10 of 2018
- trailofbits/not-so-smart-contracts
- Classification of smart contract vulnerabilities
- Comprehensive list of known attack vectors and common anti-patterns
- A Survey of Attacks on Ethereum Smart Contracts
- Introduction to cryptography
- Cryptography Coding Standard
- BLS signatures better than Schnorr
- CryptoLUX: University of Luxembourg
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECDH & ECDSA
- RNGs for Ethereum - Collection of Posts
- Useful snippets of js code for interacting with Smart Contracts
- Predicting RNGs in Smart Contracts - Blogpost
- Shamirs Secret Sharing Scheme
- History of Hash Function Attacks
- Erasure code
- The 9th BIU Winter School on Cryptography
- ZKProof Community: ZKStarks A deep dive into FRI Protocol
- STARK Math: The Journey Begins - Part 1
- STARK Math: The Journey Begins - Part 2
- TrueBit: A scalable verification solution for blockchains
- Gluon Plasma: A Plasma Variant for Non-custodial Exchanges
- dFusion: Decentralized Scalable Onchain Exchange
- RollUp: scale ethereum with snarks
- MatterNetwork: PoC of SNARK-driven Plasma with up to 500 tx/sec
- The Wood-Zamfir Governance Debates
- MakerDAO Governance Risk Framework: Part-1, Part-2, Part-3
- Blockchain Governance Bibliography
- Blockchain Governance: Programming Our Future
- Distributed governance (DGov) community
- upgradeability using unstructured storage
- upgradeability using eternal storage
- upgradeability using inherited storage
- Layout of state variables in storage - Solidity Official Documentation
- Contracts upgrade anti-patterns - trail of bits
- Contract upgrade risks and recommendations - Trail of Bits
- Mechanisms for Enforcing Honest Signaling
- The Determination of Financial Structure: The Incentive-Signalling Approach
- Town Crier: An Authenticated Data Feed for Smart Contracts
- Realit.io: Crowd-sourced verification for smart contracts
- TLSNotary A new kind of auditing - cryptographic proof of online accounts
- Token Bonding Curve Design Parameters
- Around the Block
- Converting Between Bancor and Bonding Curve Price Formulas
- Bonding Curves In Depth: Intuition & Parametrization
- Exploring Bonding Curve Collateral
- On bonding curves and charitable giving
- Collateral as a parameter in TBC design
- Behavioral Economics and Psychology of Incentives
- Getting Deep into Ethereum Virtual Machine - EVM
- 16 Solidity hacks vulnerabilities
- Ethereum EVM illustrated - slides
- From Solidity to Ethereum Bytecode: Understanding the compiler internals - VIDEO
- Ethereum Explained: Merkle Trees, World State, Transactions, and More
- zepcon0 - ZeppelinOS - Upgradeability by Elena Nadolinski