This package was created to facilitate the first steps in creating a new project. It uses Typescript to write less error-prone code, ESLint and TSLint to ensure more reliable and readable code, Webpack for bundling multiple versions, gHooks to validate each commit, Commitizen to ensure a good commit naming convention, Travis-CI for build testing, Semantic-release for automatically publishing your project and generating changelogs.
# Create new project
git clone ./<dir-name>
cd <dir-name>
# Set up git for your new project
rm -rf .git
git init
git remote add origin [email protected]:<your-username>/<your-repo>.git
# Install dependencies
# Run tests and build tasks
yarn validate
# Start writing something awesome
yarn dev
# git commit using commitizen cli
yarn commit
# start build tool in watch mode
yarn dev
# run tests
yarn test
# lint *.js files
yarn lint:js
# lint *.ts files
yarn lint:ts
# lint everything
yarn lint
# build for prodution
yarn build
# runs lint, test and build tasks
yarn validate
# Setup up semantic-release
sudo yarn global add semantic-release-cli
semantic-release-cli setup
# Edit .travis.yml and uncomment following line
# to enable semantic-release after Travis build success:
# - yarn travis-deploy-once "yarn semantic-release"
vim .travis.yml