= Animals =
== Birds == bird-megataiga (f): "megataiga"|temp >= 0.2-0.5|day:1|night:0.25; bird-taiga (f): "taiga",#forest|temp:>0.1-0.5|day:1|night:0.25; bird-roofed (f): "roofedforest"|temp:>0.5-1|day:1|night:0.25; bird-swamp (f): "swamp"|temp:>0.5-2|day:1|night:0.25; bird-jungle (f): "jungle"|temp:>0.5-2|day:1|night:0; bird-jungle-night (f): "jungle"|temp:>0.5-2|day:0|night:1; bird (f): #forest|temp:>0.5-1|day:1|night:0.25; bird-cold (f): "plains"|0.3|temp:>0.5-1|day:1|night:0;#forest|temp:>=0.1-0.5|day:1|night:0.25; crow (f): #forest|temp: <=0.1|day:1|night:0.5; bird-warm (f): #forest|temp:>1-3|day:1|night:0.5;"savanna"|0.3|temp:>1-2|day:1|night:0;
== Cicadas == cicadas: "plains","savanna"|temp:>0.5-2|day:0.1|night:0.5; cicadas-desert: #desert,"mesa"|temp:>0.5;
== Crickets == cricket-swamp: "swamp"|temp:>0.5-2|day:1|night:0.5; cricket-jungle: "jungle"|temp:>0.5-2|day:1|night:0; cricket-jungle-night: "jungle"|temp:>0.5-2|day:0|night:1; cricket-forest-night: #forest|temp:>0.1-1.5|day:0|night:1; cricket: #forest,"plains"|temp:>0.1-1.5|day:0.3|night:0.15; cricket-warm-night: "swamp"|temp:>0.5-2|day:0|night:0.5;#forest,"plains"|temp:>0.5-1.5|day:0|night:1; cricket-night: #forest,"plains"|temp:>0.1-0.5|day:0|night:1;
== Frogs == frog1,frog2 p(100,750,100): "swamp"|temp:>0.5-2|day:0.25|night:0.5;
== Owl == owl1,owl2,owl3,owl4,owl5,owl6,owl7,owl8,owl9 i(10,200): #forest|temp:>0.1-1.5|day:0|night:1;
== Seagul == seagull1,seagull2,seagull3,seagull4,seagull5 i(100,750): #beach|temp:>0.1-1.5; seagull-long p(100,750,100): #beach|temp:>0.1-1.5;
== Wolf == wolf1,wolf2,wolf3,wolf4,wolf5,wolf6,wolf7,wolf8,wolf9,wolf10 i(10,200): "plains","savanna"|temp:>1-2|day:0|night:1;
= Suspense = nether (f): "hell"; end (f): "end"; cave1,cave2 (f): #dark;
= Water = beach (f): #beach:temp:>0; ocean (f): "ocean":temp:>0; underwater (f): #underwater|mute:0.9;
= Weather = rain: #rain|mute:0.5; storm-close: #thunder|surface|mute:0.5; storm-away: #thunder|underground|mute:0.5;
= Wind = heavy-wind: "extreme hills"; howling-wind: unused light-wind: #desert,#snow; mesa: "mesa"; steady-wind: "ocean"|0.4;#intheair|0.2;
#intheair: a few blocks above the surface #thunder: thunder and rain #rain: if it's raining #underwater: if the player is underwater #dark: below surface or dark areas #desert: hot biomes with are not covered by grass #snow: anything covered by snow #beach: biomes which are basically a beach. #forest: biomes with grass as surface and enabled tree generation or the name contains "forest" f: plays continously (only one can be played for each biome) p(minT,maxT,length): partially played (from time to time +fade in and out) min and max time between the sound being played. length determines how long the sound will be played, fade in and out are 10% each. i(minT,maxT): individual files, no stream. min and max time between the sound being played.