All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.36.0 (2022-11-04)
- Add prefix in userData (#846) (520d348)
- add txHash to balance (#664) (95bc076)
- arbiscan API (#772) (2449b71)
- balance of detected payments for declared extensions (#646) (f0d5492)
- celo api (#941) (8fc5ba8)
- changed graph getTransferEvents return types into IERC20Fee (#803) (5f1313c)
- currencyManager in PN factory from request (#584) (df223c1)
- detect in subgraph same reference than paid (#858) (550c71e)
- detection for arbitrum input-data(#770) (c2fe1f9)
- ethereum proxy (#807) (bcda36d)
- failing test (rate-limiting) (#522) (3954d87)
- fill block and txHash parameters in events (#860) (1b1aad0)
- getPaymentNetworkFrom conversion request (#976) (03eaa6d)
- imports from types package (#577) (071dc5f)
- invoice total types + upgrade ethers (#514) (c2b98b2)
- min gas (#940) (ce9990f)
- NEAR contracts addresses for conversion-native (#922) (2386f1b)
- NEAR native timestamp precision (#963) (8ae22e1)
- Near processing and detection (#578) (27362f0)
- Payment network eth-input-data uses theGraph for payments via EthProxy (#703) (aa84f16)
- replace blockscout by gnosisscan (#942) (2ba9cf2)
- request-client should support conversion and network checks (#975) (9ff30cd)
- graph retriever: null values (#961) (eccd486)
- rinkeby deprecation workaround (#933) (464a63a)
- superfluid balance error (#913) (f1f877d)
- superfluid block type (#914) (1879f74)
- thegraph detector (#960) (1231f3b)
- payment-detection: Fee event filter update get balance (#790) (6da7f8b), closes #780 #791 #671
- this undefined for fee-proxy-contract (#510) (67898bb)
- typescript lint for test files (#778) (048e876)
- unpad amounts from chainlink in payment-detection (#529) (d67027f)
- Update currency package dependency in payment-detection (#436) (de22c06)
- updated Near payment detection + gas increase (#589) (1ae8468)
- upgrade ethers to 5.2.0 (#532) (6c7cf35)
- add declarative payment network for erc20 (#635) (ecf4a9d), closes #631 #633 #636 #637 #638 #550
- add delegate in request client (#541) (253b308)
- add network as declarative params (#665) (e3a4515)
- add streamEventName to streaming event parameters (#908) (e870f03)
- add xdai rpc provider (#637) (fc24e5e)
- adding BSC support (#594) (0a923a2)
- address based pn inherits from declarative (#620) (cb9695e)
- arbitrum-one support (#756) (ecc147a)
- arbitrum-testnet-update (#728) (803159e)
- avalanche network (#796) (04d99ff)
- bsc payments except swap (#619) (cd8493e)
- BSC support for eth-input-data (#800) (ec71254)
- Currency Manager (#571) (3a68ad3)
- currencyManager manages conversion paths (#699) (7f6e1d1)
- default version is 0.2.0 for AnyToEthProxy (#746) (1cdf40a)
- defaultProvider (#497) (96e9486)
- detect payments on near (#561) (314f676)
- enable custom TheGraph client options (#643) (124918a)
- enable TheGraph on all networks (#753) (bf2bd4c)
- ERC20 Fee Proxy on Matic (#495) (ac003d5)
- erc777 superfluid get balance of subsequent requests (#900) (fd491d0)
- escrow deployment info (#847) (aea1187)
- escrow detector class (#773) (c4c2276)
- Escrow payment detection library (#712) (5b2bd70)
- Eth native payments detection from TheGraph (#656) (b492a38)
- eth-input-data optional proxy (#738) (2353d36)
- exporting calcEscrowState function from payment-detection (#809) (86dd586)
- fantom/fuse RPC url & remove default etherscan API key (#551) (5ce4413)
- goerli payment (#892) (2495d00)
- implementation of delegation in declarative pn (#535) (cf4eac7)
- mark streaming payment events (#910) (58bc597)
- native payment multichain (#542) (8480cf3)
- near conversion payment detector (#920) (8b851e7)
- near conversion payment processor (#921) (af836c2)
- Near detection with autobahn (#576) (86e0145)
- near mainnet deployment info (#579) (2d95057)
- payment detection for ethereum fee proxy (#585) (c78803f)
- Payment detection for the any to erc20 payment network (#419) (6f7338f)
- payment detection thegraph block hash (#674) (4f642d3)
- Payment network any-to-eth in the payment detection (#605) (b830d46)
- payment reference utils (#906) (f0ee19f)
- payment-detection with TheGraph (#519) (c068b88)
- pn to smart-contract version mapping (#649) (d45ab85)
- process near payments (#565) (82c485b)
- pull from field from subgraph (#872) (545b17d)
- pull gas info field from subgraph (#865) (fd74b0f)
- pull gas info from subgraph on other payment networks (#876) (9c5ae2b)
- reference calculator command (#802) (7e9b380)
- retrieve active escrow data (#818) (0bcf58c)
- superfluid one off payment detection (#970) (608fe00)
- declarative: payment reference (#901) (2679368)
- Start of SuperFluid integration (#671) (ab828ce)
- start SF payments processing (#821) (53e5879)
- SuperFluid advanced logic (#797) (de5ef06)
- TheGraph get last synced block (#521) (7d69ae4)
- upgrade near references to 0.2.0 (#580) (2f0507d)
0.35.0 (2021-06-22)
- failing test (rate-limiting) (#522) (3954d87)
- invoice total types + upgrade ethers (#514) (c2b98b2)
- this undefined for fee-proxy-contract (#510) (67898bb)
- Update currency package dependency in payment-detection (#436) (de22c06)
- defaultProvider (#497) (96e9486)
- ERC20 Fee Proxy on Matic (#495) (ac003d5)
- Payment detection for the any to erc20 payment network (#419) (6f7338f)
- payment-detection with TheGraph (#519) (c068b88)
- TheGraph get last synced block (#521) (7d69ae4)
0.34.0 (2021-05-12)
- this undefined for fee-proxy-contract (#510) (67898bb)
- Update currency package dependency in payment-detection (#436) (de22c06)
- defaultProvider (#497) (96e9486)
- ERC20 Fee Proxy on Matic (#495) (ac003d5)
- Payment detection for the any to erc20 payment network (#419) (6f7338f)
0.33.0 (2021-04-19)
0.32.0 (2021-03-25)
0.31.0 (2021-03-15)
0.30.4 (2021-03-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @requestnetwork/payment-detection
0.30.3 (2021-02-22)
Note: Version bump only for package @requestnetwork/payment-detection
0.30.2 (2020-12-22)
Note: Version bump only for package @requestnetwork/payment-detection
0.30.1 (2020-12-21)
Note: Version bump only for package @requestnetwork/payment-detection
- fix bugs and missing exports for ERC20 fee payment network (#263) (764b7f0)
- fix ERC20 fee payment detection filter typo (#274) (8046cd9)
- add ERC20 fee proxy contract PN payment detection (#254) (bec5fac)
- amount are only number or string (#223) (7a35bde)
- calculate ERC20 fee balance (#255) (273f55d)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- fix bugs and missing exports for ERC20 fee payment network (#263) (764b7f0)
- fix ERC20 fee payment detection filter typo (#274) (8046cd9)
- add ERC20 fee proxy contract PN payment detection (#254) (bec5fac)
- amount are only number or string (#223) (7a35bde)
- calculate ERC20 fee balance (#255) (273f55d)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- fix bugs and missing exports for ERC20 fee payment network (#263) (764b7f0)
- fix ERC20 fee payment detection filter typo (#274) (8046cd9)
- add ERC20 fee proxy contract PN payment detection (#254) (bec5fac)
- amount are only number or string (#223) (7a35bde)
- calculate ERC20 fee balance (#255) (273f55d)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- fix bugs and missing exports for ERC20 fee payment network (#263) (764b7f0)
- fix ERC20 fee payment detection filter typo (#274) (8046cd9)
- add ERC20 fee proxy contract PN payment detection (#254) (bec5fac)
- amount are only number or string (#223) (7a35bde)
- calculate ERC20 fee balance (#255) (273f55d)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- fix bugs and missing exports for ERC20 fee payment network (#263) (764b7f0)
- fix ERC20 fee payment detection filter typo (#274) (8046cd9)
- add ERC20 fee proxy contract PN payment detection (#254) (bec5fac)
- amount are only number or string (#223) (7a35bde)
- calculate ERC20 fee balance (#255) (273f55d)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- fix bugs and missing exports for ERC20 fee payment network (#263) (764b7f0)
- fix ERC20 fee payment detection filter typo (#274) (8046cd9)
- add ERC20 fee proxy contract PN payment detection (#254) (bec5fac)
- amount are only number or string (#223) (7a35bde)
- calculate ERC20 fee balance (#255) (273f55d)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- fix bugs and missing exports for ERC20 fee payment network (#263) (764b7f0)
- fix ERC20 fee payment detection filter typo (#274) (8046cd9)
- add ERC20 fee proxy contract PN payment detection (#254) (bec5fac)
- amount are only number or string (#223) (7a35bde)
- calculate ERC20 fee balance (#255) (273f55d)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- fix bugs and missing exports for ERC20 fee payment network (#263) (764b7f0)
- fix ERC20 fee payment detection filter typo (#274) (8046cd9)
- add ERC20 fee proxy contract PN payment detection (#254) (bec5fac)
- amount are only number or string (#223) (7a35bde)
- calculate ERC20 fee balance (#255) (273f55d)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- fix bugs and missing exports for ERC20 fee payment network (#263) (764b7f0)
- fix ERC20 fee payment detection filter typo (#274) (8046cd9)
- add ERC20 fee proxy contract PN payment detection (#254) (bec5fac)
- amount are only number or string (#223) (7a35bde)
- calculate ERC20 fee balance (#255) (273f55d)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- fix bugs and missing exports for ERC20 fee payment network (#263) (764b7f0)
- fix ERC20 fee payment detection filter typo (#274) (8046cd9)
- add ERC20 fee proxy contract PN payment detection (#254) (bec5fac)
- amount are only number or string (#223) (7a35bde)
- calculate ERC20 fee balance (#255) (273f55d)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- fix bugs and missing exports for ERC20 fee payment network (#263) (764b7f0)
- fix ERC20 fee payment detection filter typo (#274) (8046cd9)
- add ERC20 fee proxy contract PN payment detection (#254) (bec5fac)
- amount are only number or string (#223) (7a35bde)
- calculate ERC20 fee balance (#255) (273f55d)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- add ERC20 fee proxy contract PN payment detection (#254) (bec5fac)
- amount are only number or string (#223) (7a35bde)
- calculate ERC20 fee balance (#255) (273f55d)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)
- add proxy contract to eth input data in payment detection (#140) (0c36de1)
- payment-processor new package (#130) (a2ce521)